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  1. R

    My Amazon Kindle review....finally!

    Bob, I appreciate your thorough review about the Kindle. Thank you.
  2. R

    Random Fun

    Isabel, what does Irish cheese taste like? We recently discovered "Champagne White Cheddar cheese" from Costco and it is glorious. It doesn't taste like champagne or alcohol at all but has a very mild taste, like a mild gouda. When my youngest son was little, he was fascinated with trash...
  3. R

    Sam Harris rips Sarah Palin

    I posted this in another forum. I LOVE Sam Harris!!:D:D
  4. R

    Slain couple's bitter will

    Funny!! :lol::lol:
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    Slain couple's bitter will

    That's one way to have the last word in a disparaging way!:D
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    Slain couple's bitter will

    Wow! That couple did have a bitter Will. I'd like to know how the family reacted.
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    The today I'm irritated by __________ thread

    It's been raining all day and I'm getting a sore throat with sinus headache.:confused:
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    Laugh Out Loud Funny

    Semi-Tough by Dan Jenkins
  9. R

    amazon used books

    Can Amazon Prime be used on ALL book purchases or only the books which say "free super saver shipping"?
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    New Alice in Wonderland...?

    My daughter will be happy to hear this. She is a big fan of Alice in Wonderland as well as Depp. Thank you for the info.
  11. R

    Nicholas Sparks: The Notebook

    I agree 100%. His other books are too trite and unbelievable.
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    "Coffee Table Books" hmm..

    Oh, I like this post! On our coffee table we have a small house plant as a decoration. We a little side table on either end of the couch and on those tables we have two full color garden books full of gorgeous flowers and we also have a historical book with color pictures about our state...
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    McCain picks VP

    Palin said she doesn't know what a VP does.:whistling: Look: YouTube - Sarah Palin: 'What is it exactly that the VP does every day?'
  14. R

    McCain picks VP

    Hi there Abc! Yes, Palin gave birth a few months ago to a baby with Down's syndrome and went back to work (as governor) 3 days after giving birth. Palin has 5 children. Yes, McCain's biggest objection against Obama was his lack of experience and now McCain can't use that argument anymore...
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    McCain picks VP

    Strategically, it is a brilliant move.
  16. R

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Happy Birthday! I have read two of Bart Ehrman books (Misquoting Jesus & also God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question--Why We Suffer). I enjoyed them both but liked God's Problem the most of the two. Let me know what you think about Ehrman's books. I'm...
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    Teaching Christianity in the Public Schools...

    Wow, this certainly has become an interesting thread! :lol:
  18. R

    Books you would NOT SUGGEST to your kids. Why? At what age would you recommend it?

    The children's book I did NOT like (that most people DO like) is The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. That book should be renamed: The Selfish-Leech & the Doormat-Martyr.
  19. R

    Nicholas Sparks: The Notebook

    I loved the book. I read a few other books by Sparks but I didn't like them because they seemed too trite and/or unbelievable to me. The Notebook was based on a true story so maybe that is why I liked it more than his other books.
  20. R

    My Amazon Kindle review....finally!

    Isabell, I’m so glad you started this thread because I have been wondering about the Kindle. It sounds like an ingenious invention! Can you make the print size bigger? How many ebooks can the Kindle hold at one time? Is there a way to mark the page you left off at?