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  1. R

    Are books bad for the environment?

    Isabell, do you have a Kindle and if so, how do you like it? To all: Do any of you have a Kindle or some other ebook device? What are your opinions about it?
  2. R

    Think and Grow Rich

    More wishful thinking pseudoscience.:D
  3. R

    Current Non-Fiction reads

    Right now I"m enjoying the hell out of Sixty-Five Press Interviews With Robert G. Ingersoll.:D
  4. R

    Think and Grow Rich

    I read the book two decades ago when I was into metaphysics and I liked it at the time (because I was an idiot) but now that I have abandoned New Age pseudoscience, I think the ideas in the book are quackery. Agreed.:)
  5. R

    What will happen if I look behind? ;o)

    What will happen if I look behind? ;o)
  6. R

    Women in History

    Libra, I enjoyed learning more about Elizabeth I. Thank you.
  7. R

    Is online text reading really reading?

    I know that I read fewer books now than before I had my own computer (with internet). However, I love the internet and I feel my reading and access to information is now significantly enriched. I would never want to go back to life before the internet!:)
  8. R

    Outwith the forums...

    That is so awesome! I love hearing this.:)
  9. R

    Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway

    I didn't enjoy reading Mrs. Dalloway, it was not my cup of tea. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion of the book in another forum. The members discussing the book, giving their thoughts/interpretations was more interesting to me than reading the book, which I found to be rather boring.
  10. R

    Outwith the forums...

    I have met several people in person who I became friends with from visiting various fora. In fact, I have made some of my very dearest friendships in forum groups.:)
  11. R

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    How We Die: Reflections on Life's Final Chapter by Sherwin B. Nuland
  12. R

    World's oldest Bible to be available online

    My understanding of the matter is that the earliest books of the bible didn't have the resurrection or miracles but that those were added in later as a way to control the masses and make people into believers. Abc, have you read "Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why"...
  13. R

    Are You A Slacker?

    It depends on how much I love the book. If I'm really taken with the book, I can hardly put it down. If the book isn't riveting then I may skip a day before I read it again.
  14. R

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    God Almighty! Wells83, that's a large purchase.:)
  15. R

    Green tips - book suggestions

    Thanks for the link, Abc. You always have the best websites to recommend!:)
  16. R

    The Dark Knight

    My kids saw it on Saturday and they all thought it was great. My daughter said it was the "best Batman ever"!
  17. R

    Teaching Christianity in the Public Schools...

    I'm against religion being taught in public schools.
  18. R

    Tin Man

    I saw it but the ending seemed incomplete.:sad:
  19. R


    Best wishes to you and hang in there through the tough times because finishing college takes a lot of tenacity. Make sure you select a "marketable" college major so that you will have many choice options in getting a good job after you graduate from college. The problem I see here in the USA...
  20. R

    Life problems -- mature themes -- unhappiness -- dealing with it

    That's a damn good idea to learn too!:)