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  1. third man girl

    Aeronautical Convention

    Okay. I confess. 'The girl collected a small squadron of paper planes from the classroom floor.' Thanks all. Thanks Ashlea. I like 'squadron'. :) Third Man Girl
  2. third man girl


    Reminds me of the child who examined a finger that had recently been poked in its ear, and said, "Look! An ear wak!" *Johnson's Cotton Buds - for those stubborn ear waks.* :) Third Man Girl
  3. third man girl

    Aeronautical Convention

    Is there a word for a collection/group of aeroplanes? I've tried a hangarload/a windfall/a flight, but I need a word for a bunch of grounded planes, in the open, undamaged. Help, please (again) :( Third Man Girl
  4. third man girl

    Chinese Girl Names

    Thanks Jojo. It all sounds rather complicated, but interesting. And it certainly beats our method of naming boys after the eleven members of a favourite football team, and girls after the latest celebrity actress. :( Thanks again for your help Third Man Girl
  5. third man girl

    Lessons Learnt from watching TV

    All US school kids drive their own cars to school. I have fond memories of a boy in my year driving a bus to school. I believe he was expelled. :D Third Man Girl
  6. third man girl


    Dog Tired? Deeply Traumatised? Disturbingly Tempted? :eek: Third Man Girl
  7. third man girl

    Want to Play?

    How Blue? As blue as a whale, As blue as a snail, As ice-white blue As a bridal veil? As blue as pale smoke, As blue as a joke, As blue as hot coke When you give it a poke? As blue as a cold, As blue as bread mould, As blue as a gem On a band of white gold? As blue as the...
  8. third man girl

    Chinese Girl Names

    Hey. I love this site! Forget smart/bright/intelligent. 'Ping' - duckweed :) Love it! Thanks, Mile-O Third Man Girl
  9. third man girl


    Sorry! That doesn't work either. I'm strictly, boringly TT :) Third Man Girl
  10. third man girl


    More often accused of hallucinating ;) Third Man Girl
  11. third man girl


    Only in my mind :D :D :D Third Man Girl
  12. third man girl

    Chinese Girl Names

    Oh, Milo - O! Isn't our timing improving :D Third Man Girl
  13. third man girl

    Chinese Girl Names

    Bamboozled ;) Please tell me what these mean and how to pronounce them, in English. Thanks Third Man Girl
  14. third man girl


    West. Near bayloads of sand (the slow variety). That's all I'm prepared to tell you. You might have flick-knives for teeth. ;) Third Man Girl
  15. third man girl

    Best short story

    Oh, I didn't write it. And I've no idea who did. My father used to say it, repeatedly, when I was little. Here's another he used to quote: Fuzzy Wuzzy wuz a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wuzn't fuzzy, Wuzzy? He died ten years ago, today. Happy memories, Dad. :) Third...
  16. third man girl


    No, I'm not. And he is one of my most satisfying characters. ;) If I didn't like him, I'd have brought the tide in over his head. :) Third Man Girl
  17. third man girl

    Want to Play?

    Okay Kiddies, today's writing task. Advance to the nearest mirror. Stare. Now describe your eyes. Mine are jealous olive green. Yours? Third Man Girl
  18. third man girl


    What if it's dark? :( And he's up to his neck in quicksand? :( Third Man Girl
  19. third man girl

    Best short story

    A little bee sat on a wall; it said 'buzz buzz' and that was all. Third Man Girl
  20. third man girl

    Your Favourite Things...

    Current favourite things: The mahogany-brown leather of my little ankle boots. Driving to the sound of the White Stripes ‘Ball & Biscuit’ – the guitar, the lyrics and that thrilling, threatening voice. Third Man Girl