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  1. third man girl


    Good question, SillyBuns! Johnny Depp in 'From Hell' : A headshot in red lighting - looks more like a painting than a photograph. Third Man Girl
  2. third man girl

    How much is too much?

    I don't mind finding the occasional dog's ear between the leaves, but please don't leave crumbs of chocolate behind - it's such a waste. :) Third Man Girl
  3. third man girl


    Oh yes! Smart dogs. I watched some at an Alaskan Malamute Sled Pulling Convention a year or so back. A pair of them go steaming past our lab(oratory) window on occasion, with the owner hanging on behind as a blur. I've got three Boxers. People-friendly, but not other-dog friendly :)...
  4. third man girl

    Newbie here

    Oh, stop teasing, Phil :) What breed is your not-a-lab? Third Man Girl
  5. third man girl


    She's only just joined, and you're asking personal questions :D First, you tell us! ;) Third Man Girl
  6. third man girl

    Hardback or paperback?

    Paperbacks! I hate the protective covers on hardbacks - you have to remove them to protect them ;) Third Man Girl
  7. third man girl

    at long last!

    Is that the moose in the background? :D Third Man Girl
  8. third man girl

    Confessions of a book sniffer

    I'm more of a stacker than a sniffer, although I have been known to sniff :o My books are lined up in the bookshelf in a regimented fashion: tallest at either ends of the shelf and the little guys in the middle. Anyone out of place receives a good rollicking. :mad: Third Man Girl
  9. third man girl

    David Eddings: Elenium And Tamuli

    Better than having had too much to drink at the time ;) Third Man Girl
  10. third man girl

    Horrible characters

    Great question, Missy Six The main character in 'The Magus' by John Fowles was an arrogant, obnoxious, conceited, aloof, womanising know-it-all. He wasn't only a had-to-have-it, but a had-to-have-it-all type of guy. I got the impression the author didn't so much write a novel, as play a part...
  11. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    Och, go an' polish yer antlers, Moose :mad: ;) Third Man Girl
  12. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    I 'did' French and Latin at school, but I couldn't hold a conversation in either. Dare say chat would be the last thing on my mind if a Centurion poked his head round the corner :) Third Man Girl
  13. third man girl

    what are you thinking about?

    Oh that is just toooooo tempting :) Third Man Girl
  14. third man girl

    Scariest Book Ever?

    Was that the one which included colonic irrigation using the barbed-wire toilet-brush? Or was that another of her pleasant little books? :eek: Isn't there a new series due soon, in the UK, with actor Robson Green? Third Man Girl
  15. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    Hey, PlumbDumbBun Am I the only person on this entire forum who can only speak one sodding language ? :mad: Third Man Girl
  16. third man girl

    what are you thinking about?

    Don't worry, Carlos. "Insanity is getting stuck in one thought." So, you're quite normal. :) [chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate . . .] Third Man Girl
  17. third man girl

    book lover from canada

    I’ve never made it to the Guildford rink, but I’ve seen the junior teams play at various other rinks in the country. Incidentally, does anyone know of any novels based around Ice Hockey? I have a set of kids’ books that a relative brought back from Canada (written by Matt Christopher), but...
  18. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    Oh that's fine - I call her names, too ;) Third Man Girl
  19. third man girl

    New member

    A.F.R.OK (Abbreviation-Fetishism Rules OKay) :D Third Man Girl
  20. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    Sister bites can be nastier ;) What's Conejo de blano? I hope you aren't swearing at me, you daft wabbit :mad: Third Man Girl