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  1. third man girl

    New Writer

    Mile-O! :) :) :) How are you? Is it raining in Glasgow? It's soooooooo gloomy here. Are you still writing Poetry (ouch - bad word!)? TMG :)
  2. third man girl

    New Writer

    He was a he. Definitely a he. And fantasy. Definitely fantasy. Why are we having this weird conversation? :) TMG
  3. third man girl

    New Writer

    Oh - there was only one of him. Although, I must confess, sometimes I wondered. :D Anyway. I guess he came to his senses. TMG :)
  4. third man girl

    New Writer

    Tugger :( TMG
  5. third man girl

    New Writer

    I got stolen by another member of the bookforum. He lead me to the top of a fairytale castle and pushed me off. Thank God I could fly. :) Poets should display a government health warning. :) TMG
  6. third man girl

    New Writer

    Thank you! I'm SURE that wasn't there last night. Nor was my name in the Members' List. But it is now. Maybe it all takes a while to update. Now I have to think up a new signature. Hmmm... TMG
  7. third man girl

    Happy Birthday RaVeN!

    Did you call yourself WaterCrystal, back then? Anyway, your message feels kind of weird to me too. :) I feel as if I DID vanish and cease to exist in the real world for some time. Oh well - it was fun while it lasted. And it's fun to be back. :) TMG
  8. third man girl

    New Writer

    Thank you all for the warm welcome. It's good to be among friends again. I'm glad you're still silly, Wabbit. I like you silly. ;) And I DO plan to stick around. Will someone please tell me how to delete my old signature? I'm still hopeless with computers. TMG
  9. third man girl

    Currently Reading

    I'm currently reading "The Pact" by Jodi Picoult. I'm bored with it, so I've relegated it to my 'book to read during coffee breaks at work'. Tonight, I intend to start "Girl With A Pearl Earring" by Tracy Chevalier. If it's rubbish, will someone please warn me now. :) TMG
  10. third man girl

    Happy Birthday RaVeN!

    HaPpY BiRtHdAy WiShEs RaVeN !!! I returned today - just because it's your birthday ;) Have you been lost too? Enjoy your day :) TMG x
  11. third man girl

    New Writer

    Do you remember when...? Hello Guys I'm not a newbie. I'm a returnie. :) I don't know if anyone will remember me from 18 months ago? VIM's (Very Important Members) at that time were Ashlea, Martin, Phil T, RaVeN, piedro, Ell, Ice and many others. Greetings Wabbit - why aren't you Silly...
  12. third man girl

    Your assignments

    A Warm Breeze A bird Fragile indeed But a bird that can span wide oceans. A sun Cold at dawn But shimmering hot as she climbs. A wind An iced chill But lifting, rising as a warm breeze. A noise A crashing wave calming to still silence on a lake. A lick A flickering flame A...
  13. third man girl

    Feather Black

    This required serious thought. ;) In a Japanese Temple, within sight of Mount Fuji. Deep below the Colosseum, only to emerge at night, to play in the arches when the tourists have vanished. In a shack on Cold Mountain – snow-deep in wintertime. Or, in a hidden clearing in a forest...
  14. third man girl

    The Room

    [Dedicated from The Writer to The Poet] The Room He stood at the door of the room and lifted his knuckles to the wood. He hesitated, listening. He dropped his hand to the doorknob, turned it, and pushed the door open in one smooth movement. The light entered the room as he did, but he...
  15. third man girl

    Best of the best.

    oooooohhhhhh, RaVeN's getting all excited. Peck me! Peck me! ;) Third Man Girl
  16. third man girl

    Best of the best.

    The RaVeN will rescue me. A poncey parrot in all its finery is no match for... BlackFeather Third Man Girl
  17. third man girl

    Best of the best.

    That's beautiful, RaVeN Did you write it? Third Man Girl
  18. third man girl

    Do you understand Harry Potter?!

    Oxford Dictionary of Slang - Snog British applied to kissing and caressing. usage: "a period or session of snogging". Get the picture? :) Third Man Girl
  19. third man girl

    Your assignments

    I'll send you a PM. Off work this week, so can't communicate by email. Sorry Tugger, but I can't do this. :( I'll send Ashlea the long-winded explanation. Third Man Girl
  20. third man girl

    Your assignments

    Tried to pm you both. Did it work? Third Man Girl