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  1. third man girl

    David Eddings: Elenium And Tamuli

    Please read my message again, Henriette. I said that you are NOT a child. I also said that you are young enough to enjoy BEING childish. A thirty/forty/fifty year old can enjoy BEING childish. Enjoy your books. Enjoy being whatever age you feel. :) :) Third Man Girl
  2. third man girl

    Pirates of the Caribbean - Tresure Island

    Loved him in From Hell, too (the Jack the Ripper, thingie). And what was the one where he played a lawyer, arrived on a train, and crossed the countryside, with some other guy, on a horse. The film was dire; he was awesome. Even when he acts dead, he's awesome :cool: Third Man Girl
  3. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    I forgot to mention I carry a corkscrew :D Third Man Girl
  4. third man girl

    what are you thinking about?

    Hey. ROME-antic hee hee Enjoy your holiday :) Third Man Girl
  5. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    Oh! I wish . . . Rat-a-tat-tat (and other worrying gun noises) No - they called me a scientist and made me wear a white coat; put a pipette in one hand and a Petri plate in the other. I won't bore with gore [gosh, remember when poetry used to rhyme?] but I suffer from PMT now and again -...
  6. third man girl

    I'm new here =)

    Oh! Make up yer mind. Are ye a moose or a man? (spoken with strong Scottish accent) :) And, go and get some clothes on - don't you know it's cold outside? Third Man Girl
  7. third man girl

    book lover from canada

    Yeah! Go North Ayr Predators (local junior team) ! Third Man Girl
  8. third man girl

    Currently Reading

    Persevere. Think of the ecstasy when you reach the end :D Seriously, though - why is it depressing? I was thinking of reading it soon. Third Man Girl
  9. third man girl

    David Eddings: Elenium And Tamuli

    Whoah! You wicked antagoniser ;) Henriette is 14 yrs old. Not a child, but young enough to enjoy being childish. Give her a break - let her enjoy her books :) Third Man Girl
  10. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    Hey Wabbit Might give the Forty-Nine Stories a go (if there are only forty-eight, I will demand a refund) ;) I recently read my first Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises. I found the animal massacring a bit unpleasant. Bulls, fish, steer, goats: you name it - he whacked it on the head. Hey, I...
  11. third man girl

    what are you thinking about?

    Would that be male or female? :confused: :) Third Man Girl
  12. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    Wich book wos that from, 'Wabbit? :D Third Man Girl
  13. third man girl

    I just arrived

    Thanks, Ashlea :) I must have missed that when I was viewing new posts. I'll add the info to my 'research file' :D [must try not to poke the eyes from my smiley's face as I did the last time] Third Man Girl
  14. third man girl

    I just arrived

    Is that book the same as the film "The Outsiders"? And what age is an American 8th grader? Tell me . . . please :confused: Last time I asked, the Americans on this forum went all shy : (Third Man Girl
  15. third man girl

    what are you thinking about?

    I prefer instant ;) Third Man Girl
  16. third man girl

    the Harry Potter novels thread

    Have you met today's kids? :) Third Man Girl
  17. third man girl

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    Sorry. I was joking :o I don't write notes about my books, I just read them. A pen in one hand and a book in the other would have a dangerous attraction towards each other! What kind of notes do you write, Robinson Crusoe? Third Man Girl
  18. third man girl

    Now, for all the ladies...best romantic movie

    Oh! They're normally consigned to the paper-shredder ;) Third Man Girl
  19. third man girl

    what are you thinking about?

    I'm thinking that I love Martin's humorous way of spelling spontaneously :p Sorry . . . it's that time of night . . . :) Third Man Girl