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  1. third man girl

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    Re: Third man girl Oh! I'm too conventional. I use a notepad for that. ;) Third Man Girl
  2. third man girl

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    SNAP! :D :D Third Man Girl
  3. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    “. . . by the end you feel you have lived many lives: which is perhaps the greatest gift a novel can give.” Ursula K. Le Guin Third Man Girl
  4. third man girl

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    I stand in awe of all you creative, imaginative, resourceful people. But . . . I'm almost embarrassed to ask . . . why can't you just use a ............................ bookmark ??? :D Third Man Girl
  5. third man girl

    Now, for all the ladies...best romantic movie

    Nope! He had plenty of chances in 'ER', and he BLEW IT. He's just a face, a womaniser, no heart, no soul . . . Daniel Day-Lewis is head and shoulders above him even when he resembles Hell's Back Passage (eg Gangs of New York). Let's just agree on Brad Pitt ;) Third Man Girl
  6. third man girl

    Currently Reading

    I guess you must be talking about the bulls and horses :( Third Man Girl
  7. third man girl

    Do you understand Harry Potter?!

    Well, here's a question. Will someone please explain American school grades in age groups? It's confusing when you read of a couple of eighth graders snogging each other and have to remind yourself they're not eight years old! eg. Scottish school system Primary 1 - Primary 7 = age 4/5 - 10/11...
  8. third man girl

    Now, for all the ladies...best romantic movie

    Mars? You mean where all the men come from? :cool: Okay, I admit it. I've only seen Clooney in those first two, plus ER and my mother's calendar. After that, I lost interest . . . Third Man Girl
  9. third man girl

    Ernest Hemingway

    And how about separate displays for the clinically depressed, and the recluses :D As for Hemingway, I'm halfway through my first - The Sun Also Rises. His short sentences are battering my brain somewhat; it's quite a pleasure when he pops in a long one. :eek: Third Man Girl
  10. third man girl

    Paint the town red. I need an equivalent idiom.

    Aye - ye cannae whack a guid pillage. (Loosely translated: Agreed - you can't beat a good pillage.) Third Man Girl ;)
  11. third man girl

    Now, for all the ladies...best romantic movie

    I'll put in another vote for Last of the Mohicans - the story, the scenery, the music and, of course, Daniel Day-Lewis (great actor; great nose! - love him!) BTW Just watched Cold Mountain. Now THAT is a romantic film. Best performances from Jude Law, the evil guy with the white hair, and...
  12. third man girl

    Best source for antonyms?

    Chambers have a 'Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms' Third Man Girl
  13. third man girl


    I've had a further thought :) 'There she is And here I am' - opinion8ed2 The sex of the author only becomes clear when these last lines are read. Is that why you added them on? Incidentally, I ran your poems through the Gender Genie, http://www.bookblog.net/gender/genie.html and it...
  14. third man girl


    First off - I'm no expert in poetry! But I read these when you first posted them, and mulled them over, on and off, over the next few hours - not so much the words, but the emotions that came across. Strongly. Of course, I'm burning to know if you gave up the second girl, because you're in...
  15. third man girl

    Hello from Norway

    All book-lovers should have it written in their wills that, when they pop their clogs, several books will be tucked into their coffins beside them. The Pharaohs had the right idea. Can you imagine the frustration of dying half way through reading a good book? :mad: Third Man Girl
  16. third man girl

    Dalton Trumbo: Johnny Got His Gun

    I agree! I was inspired to read this book by the above posting. I was moved to tears, not by the account of the boy's struggle to come to terms with his disabilities but, by his memories of relationships with father, mother, best friend. Don't go to the library for this book: this is a...
  17. third man girl

    Amusing exchange of correspondence

    Why can't I get the smell of soap out of my nostrils? :D Third Man Girl
  18. third man girl

    Writers' Groups

    Does anyone have experience of writers' groups? Are they worthwhile and what do the workshops involve? I don't want to end up with mounds of homework ;) Third Man Girl
  19. third man girl

    John Irving: The World According To Garp

    Kaz Did you ever finish this book? I haven't read any John Irving books and wondered about trying this as a starter. Third Man Girl
  20. third man girl

    J.D. Salinger: The Catcher In The Rye

    I read this a few months ago. I didn’t like the character at first, but I warmed to him as the story continued, and ended up feeling rather sorry for him. Despite the interpretation by most people that Holden was a rebel, he struck me more as a misfit and a loner. I would have thought rebels...