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  1. third man girl

    Invented Words

  2. third man girl

    Invented Words

    Perhaps each invented word should be approved by The Book Forum members before use? ;) Third Man Girl
  3. third man girl


    And here am I, intimidated amongst all you clever-clog students, thinking that I'm not too bright because I only reached Higher English :) Third Man Girl PS 'Highers' being Scottish equivalent of 'A-level' in England PPS 'Clever-clogs' was not specifically aimed at you, Martin :p
  4. third man girl


    Another bloody question! Apologies! I'm not too hot on grammar (or punctuation!) but I don't want to let that put me off writing. Question: is the word 'then' a co-ordinating conjunction? My Oxford 'Everyday Grammar' says it is; however, I copied the following from the net (can't recall...
  5. third man girl

    Currently Reading

    Just read ‘Le Grand Meaulnes’ by Alain-Fournier (translated version) – a poignant story of romantic, obsessive adolescent love based on the author’s own short life (he died in WW1 aged 27yrs). Wish the book had been longer . . . Currently reading ‘Eats, Shoots & Leaves’ by Lynne Truss – a...
  6. third man girl


    Having re-read my original question, I can see that I didn't explain myself too clearly. Sorry :o What I am trying to achieve, is a change of volume, mid-sentence . There doesn't necessarily have to be background noise. For instance, a mother shouting at a child who is about to step off...
  7. third man girl


  8. third man girl


    Appreciated. Thanks Third Man Girl
  9. third man girl


    Coldplay Stereophonics Nickelback Avril Lavigne White Stripes (Loathe dance music. Dire/non-existant lyrics. Sounds like the same high-pitched female singer on every album. Ugh!) Third Man Girl
  10. third man girl


  11. third man girl


    New challenge for the writers out there: I believe that I read that it's not acceptable, when writing a novel, to use capital letters to signify shouting. I already use italics for thought/emphasis/names of books & films/mild shouting. How do I make my characters SHOUT LOUDLY? PS I...
  12. third man girl


  13. third man girl

    A couple of writing questions

    Sorry, I don't do fantasy (except in my head!). But I enjoyed the films. Currently reading Alain-Fournier's Le Grand Meaulnes (loosely translated as 'The Big Moaning Git'. :) - not reading the French version, though. Being Scottish, I have enough 'boather' with English! Third Man Girl
  14. third man girl


    Today's challenge: Can anyone help with punctuation? When using ellipsis marks '...' do the three little dots come immediately after the word, or is there a space? e.g. "She paused... then continued." or "She paused ... then continued." And is British style different from...
  15. third man girl

    A couple of writing questions

    Is 'entmoot' a Tolkien word, then? I'm at a disadvantage here - haven't read LOTR. :o Third Man Girl
  16. third man girl

    A couple of writing questions

    Entmoat? :confused: Are you inventing words, Martin? MOET - Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer Are you breeding trees??? Third Man Girl
  17. third man girl

    Invented Words

    What are the thoughts on 'invented words' when writing a novel? Is this unacceptable? I'm often tempted to do this, as long as the meaning of the word is clear within the context it is written. Example: The boy stole a peashooter, and peashot his dog. Third Man Girl
  18. third man girl


    If it's considered wrong to judge a book by its cover, is it also wrong to judge it by sex of author? I do this all the time (I wish I didn't!). Even as I read a book, I'm asking myself if the content is believable, e.g. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden lost its credibility for me...
  19. third man girl

    A couple of writing questions

    You can't possibly be a hobbit. Hobbits don't get bored and depressed. I imagine you're more of an Ent. Third Man Girl