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  1. third man girl

    A couple of writing questions

    Did I forget to mention that the first needle is inserted under the Big Toe nail? That should hold your attention nicely! Third Man Girl PS Still bored? - perhaps you're reading the wrong books?
  2. third man girl

    A couple of writing questions

    'You can do acupuncture for that' - Ashlea Oh Good! Who sticks the first needle in? Better run, Martin ... :-) Third Man Girl
  3. third man girl

    A couple of writing questions

    "Everything, everyone, has always, and will always, bore me." - Martin Hi Ashlea Shall we play around with Martin's character (the 'severely depressed and still bored' one)? Do we deduce that he is also STUBBORN? (Determined that we can't 'unbore' him!) :-) Third Man Girl PS...
  4. third man girl

    A couple of writing questions

    Talking of names and talking of writing, don't you find it irritating when an author uses the same first initial for several characters? I have just finished reading a book where almost every male character's name started with 'J', two had the initials 'JL'. Of these, one was called Joe and...
  5. third man girl

    New Writer

    Moving boxes around a warehouse sounds fascinating. I now have a clear picture in my head of a busy guy, careering top-speed around shelves, peering over the top of a trolley stacked three boxes high at a time. The puzzle: what's in the boxes? Leather-bound books? Inflatable dolls? Body...
  6. third man girl

    New Writer

    No, Philip (who is too lazy to write his full name), but I've studied your profile, you 'Good-fer-nothin' Layabout' :-) Third Man Girl
  7. third man girl

    New Writer

    Talking of flies, just realised I signed my name wrongly. Must have been thinking of my lab work: TBF - Tick Borne Fever. Haven't quite got used to TMG yet [inspired by Phil's laziness :-)] Promise to try harder ... TMG - Third Man Girl
  8. third man girl

    A couple of writing questions

    #Question 2: Don't many 'real' people have one prominant feature? Therefore, if character 1 is described as having a long, fine nose, and character 2 as having apple cheeks, the mind fills in details for the rest of each face. Instantly, two distinct and unalike faces appear in the...
  9. third man girl

    New Writer

    *sigh* Another thoughtless male ... TBF
  10. third man girl


    Reason I ask, is that I am writing in the first person (because I am new to this and, somehow, it comes easier than third person), but my characters are male, and yet I am female. I can't seem to write from a female character's point of view. My male characters are mainly controlling...
  11. third man girl

    New Writer

    Okay. TMG is fine by me. When I write, I am often inspired by song lyrics - not particularly the entire song, but an interesting phrase. This seems acceptable to me, but if I get inspiration from a line in a book, it feels like cheating! Thoughts? TMG
  12. third man girl

    New Writer

    I had intended it to be confusing! Thanks for being confused. I took it from The White Stripes album - Elephant. First line of song, Ball and Biscuit: 'Its quite possible that Im your third man girl'
  13. third man girl

    New Writer

    Currently reading 'Life of Pi by Yann Martel' and 'Atonement by Ian McEwan'. Recently completed The Magus by John Fowles, and I'm still confused! I have been trying, for a year now, to write my first novel. Probably going about it the wrong way, but having fun and learning daily.
  14. third man girl


    Is it necessary to use your real name when you are trying to get a book published? eg Is it acceptable to use a pseudonym, or initials, only, of first names, to disguise gender?