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  1. third man girl

    Feather Black

    So, one minute you're telling us you take pot shots at the birds with a 'BB' gun (whatever that is - Boys' Brigade, Big B*gger, Bird Blaster?), and now you're telling us you feed them. Are you a reformed character, RaVeN? Third Man Girl
  2. third man girl

    Feather Black

    Well, yours was amazing. And you know why? Not only because I adore it as a poem in its own right, and also because it is so personal, but because I had lain in bed that morning (hence the sheets) and begun to write mine for you . . . So, I hadn't even seen yours when I started to write mine...
  3. third man girl

    Feather Black

    If it's past midnight you should be tucked up in your little nest :) btw, I have a single crow's nest in a tree in my garden, so if you ever need a stopover some night . . . ;) [I think it must belong to a loner crow, which is why I don't get rid of the nest. It must be quite sad being a...
  4. third man girl

    Currently Reading

    I read a quarter of the South of the Border, West of the Sun, today. I like it's simple, easy to read style. I like the 'honesty' of the narrator. I like the imperfect characters - so believable. And I like THE FEEL OF THE AUTHOR'S NAME ON THE COVER. *oops - might have mentioned that...
  5. third man girl


    My turn! I admit, I am hopeless with computers. Can some kind person tell me how to add a picture to my message? I promise - no asses or pancaked bunnies. TIA TMG
  6. third man girl

    Books you have fallen asleep reading

    Almost every book I have read. Ever since reading under the sheets, by torchlight, as a little girl. I read to sleep. I sleep to read. ;) PS - I know that's not what you really meant. I'm just being erm, erm . . . twisted :eek: Third Man Girl
  7. third man girl

    Feather Black

    The reference to ghosts was because I told you once that I couldn't relate to ghosts in poems. Then I found myself almost becoming one, and writing as one! I wasn't angry with you (although mildly upset that you weren't around when I needed back-up :( ) [And I think RaVeN secretly enjoyed...
  8. third man girl

    Poem: Growing Up

    Welcome Liv This made me smile: "Kids in garbage cans, stuffed in lockers How quickly I find this is not true" At our school it was 'heads down the toilets and FLUSH' :D - only with the boys though :cool: Third Man Girl
  9. third man girl

    Feather Black

    *running in the shadows* ;) Third Man Girl
  10. third man girl

    Poem: Writer

    Poet POET I wonder, as I lie hidden, naked As the cool sheet cups and dips, If I peeled the satin from my skin If I invited you in . . . Would your body mould to mine? I wonder, if blue eyes met jealous green Would yours chill, or captivate? I wonder, if hair spread dark upon the...
  11. third man girl

    Are you an ardent Rowling fan?

    I haven't read them, piedro, but my son has. He's currently working his way through the latest. They're not really my 'thing' so I can't comment. Sorry. Third Man Girl
  12. third man girl

    Feather Black

    Oh! I've left it over in the other thread, the one I thought you'd shooed me out of :) Ashlea, I am so jealous of your knowledge. If there was a choice of being rich, famous or intelligent, I would opt for intelligence every time. Thanks for explaining my poem to me :) :) I only know...
  13. third man girl

    Poem: Seven Kisses

    http://specialrealms.com/VM/poetry.html He writes poetry. He's a photographer. He's an artist. He clearly has too much time on his hands :cool: OH! The art! I had a quick glance and it looks like that funny stuff that's produced when you pop a full-grown tomato in the microwave and...
  14. third man girl

    Feather Black

    I sat in a frozen stupor for several thousand moments last night, trying to think of a response that didn't sound too melodramatic, huffy, corny, overreactive, or self-pitying. Meanwhile I had you offering yourself to me, sporks at the ready; RaVeN kicking pebbles at my front door; and a Wabbit...
  15. third man girl

    Feather Black

    Truce - till midnight [*wicked* :D ] Third Man Girl
  16. third man girl

    Feather Black

    RaVeN, I admit that I was hurt last night, but in no way was it your fault; my mind simply went derelict for a moment. Those were the loneliest words I had ever felt. They chilled me. I wonder, sometimes, if you are all gathered in a room, and I am just a shadow amongst you? The Poet...
  17. third man girl

    Poem: Seven Kisses

    Oh. Is that how you all see me? :( Third Man Girl
  18. third man girl

    Poem: Seven Kisses

    Hey. I put a lot of thought into figuring it all out. Likewise, your ghosts on the sand. And now you won't tell me if I'm right or wrong. :( *mildly hurt* Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Tell me more . . . whisper quietly, so the other don't hear . . . ;) I don't know whether to believe you, Poet. I...
  19. third man girl

    Poem: Seven Kisses

    RaVeN. What are you squawking about now? :confused: A wardrobe malfunction? A dressing down? Is this some cryptic game we are playing? Just answer the question. :mad: *mad, again* I bet that damn bunny knows the answer and just won't tell :mad: Where's my peashooter? Where's...
  20. third man girl

    Poem: Seven Kisses

    On the attack? Wow! That sounds quite scary :( What do you mean, on the attack? Is this an American euphemism for something? What would you be attacking, assuming you were attacking something - which you aren't (apparently)? :) *curious* Third Man Girl