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  1. third man girl


    What does 'gooshy' mean? :confused: Is gooshy good or bad? Was it a typo? Does it involve any kind of messy stuff, because it sounds messy to me. *worried* Gooshy. gooshy, gooshy, gooshy..........hmmmmmmmmm Can it used in a similiar way to skooshy cream? :) :) :) Third Man Girl
  2. third man girl


    Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. Colin – yes – for years. Not the others – they are ‘bit’ players who arrived in my head a few weeks ago. Hmmm . . . that little gap . . . ;) Well, I like to make my characters a little ‘imperfect’. And that includes the females. It bugs...
  3. third man girl

    Poem: Common Epitaph

    I don't understand this one. It is much grimmer than your other poems and it gives me a cold shiver. Are the ghosts alone together; misunderstanding each other? It gives me an incredible visual image of two wraiths gliding and bobbing along the sand, swirling around each other, making eye...
  4. third man girl


    A butterfly? A message in a bottle? An injured bird that RaVeN shot and you 'mended? :D Nice poem, Wabbit. I liked it because . . . well, just because I liked it :) Especially: The wind sigh and the shadows run Yes. :) Third Man Girl
  5. third man girl


    Go away, pesky gooseberry. *stomp* SPLAT! :p Third Man Girl
  6. third man girl


    And, thus, you will be my Third Man ;) Poet, I have no idea who you are, or what you look like. No idea. A stormy sea . . . a lush green meadow . . . a cool mountain breeze . . . a raging blinding sun . . . I close my eyes and your poetry plays music with my mind. Happy? :)...
  7. third man girl

    Interesting article

    Yes! Exactly! ;) ;) Third Man Girl
  8. third man girl

    Interesting article

    Yes! Exactly! :) Third Man Girl
  9. third man girl

    Interesting article

    I agree entirely with Litany, especially the above quote. Wabbit said: 'You read and get sucked into that world created by the author. It's just you and him.' (my italics) I don't want 'him' to be there. It spoils it. I don't want to know if 'he' eventually shot himself in the head, or was...
  10. third man girl


    Sylph is the perfume Mingmei wears. I don't know if there is a perfume called Sylph - I just called it that because it seemed like a believable brand name. I had referred to Sylph earlier in the story, during his first meeting with Mingmei (in the intro that you haven't seen). Shandy is...
  11. third man girl


    That made me smile :) Yes, he works with a very orderly, logical brain. He follows his head when he should follow his heart. He is plain-looking, serious about his school work, always top of the class. I don't mean he's a 'geek' but I can't think of a better word. I guess he would have been...
  12. third man girl


    Thank you, Litany. You probably have no idea how good it is to hear that. I knew the poetry had to have two sides to it, and to only hear that people liked it, to be honest, made me doubt myself even more. There is no music, literature, art, sport, humour, etc, that everyone likes. So I need to...
  13. third man girl


    Yes. You can print it out. Of course, you can. Please be cruelly honest because . . . well, just because I need you to be. Third Man Girl
  14. third man girl

    Fair Warning

    RaVeN Forgive me, but I won't read whatever it is you are going to write. I have deep-seated 'problems' with morals (I'm talking sex, not drugs or violence). I believe that adults should have the freedom to do anything - anything - they want with other consenting adults. But I strongly...
  15. third man girl

    What is your perception of ideal intimacy?And----

    PS You should put your poems in Writer's Showcase. People don't read every thread (at least I don't), and might miss them. Third Man Girl
  16. third man girl

    What is your perception of ideal intimacy?And----

    Poet, once again, you have written a beautiful, sweet poem. Everything is explained and yet it leaves me asking questions. And that is how it should be, for me. The last two lines are thought-provoking. I wish I could do that - have regret 'impossible to find'. And I wish you could teach...
  17. third man girl


    Colin (Part 3) Jacqueline’s left hand was on my shoulder, quite high up on my shoulder; so high, in fact, that her finger or, perhaps, her thumb, was brushing my neck. It would be accidental. Her green eyes were level with mine and she said a few words to pass the time while we waited. My right...
  18. third man girl


    Colin (Part 2) We sat in a row approximately two-thirds from the front. This was Mingmei’s limit of vision, even wearing glasses. I bought six cornetto ice-creams from a tall girl with long hair and legs like Jacqueline Murray’s. She didn’t smile the way Jacqueline would have; in fact she...
  19. third man girl


    Grammar, punctuation, spelling? POV, dialogue, description? Metaphors, similies, redundant words? Advice, comments, criticism. Go for it. (I don't know how to get the type to 'indent') For info: Posh part of Glasgow. Speaking is Colin, the lawyer, (the oldest of the men in the gang) looking...
  20. third man girl

    Want to play? Version 2.0

    It's a shame that writing books isn't a team game. I'm sure we could all contribute something. Thanks again for your support. I'll go and post a section of my work now, before I get cold feet . . . :( Third Man Girl