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  1. third man girl


    Blue and pink and full of custard. Neurotic. Dangerous. Attention deficit disorder. :D Seriously? Sandy haired, you enjoy a laugh but can be cynical at times. Prone to scruffiness, but you tidy up when you have to. Lots of crazy thoughts running around your head when you SHOULD BE PAYING...
  2. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    Maybe if I hadn't known he shoots himself at the end of it, I would have seen it differently :( I kept finding pieces that implied he was pretty cynical about life. A lot of his characters were has-beens, and I wonder if he was frightened of becoming one himself. Or was he gay (although...
  3. third man girl

    Haruki Murakami: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

    Why don't you just finish off with a cigarette, like the other guys? :cool: Third Man Girl
  4. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    What? What have I said now? If it's not in my Oxford Dictionary of Slang, then it must be perfectly harmless. :) You Dutch :rolleyes: Third Man Girl
  5. third man girl


    Yes, I knew you were tall, don't remember reading slim, long-fingered, big feet. Lopey probably isn't a word, but I was thinking of the verb 'to lope' - to kind of bounce around like Wabbit. Okay, wrong about the hair (surprised, to be honest). I didn't mean ugly when I said round. I meant 'not...
  6. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    RaVeN. I'm going to clip your feathers :mad: :) Third Man Girl
  7. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    I’m not supposed to admit that I don’t like Hemingway, am I? It’s like confessing to Mile-O that I don’t understand Burns. To be honest, it just failed to excite me. I don’t get enjoyment from reading about bulls having swords thrust between their shoulders, or horses galloping, entrails flying...
  8. third man girl

    Another Newbie

    Read the Memoirs last year and, like the others, can't remember the details of it. Anyway, welcome to the forum. Have fun :) Third Man Girl
  9. third man girl


    Tall, slim, big feet, long fingers; sort of lopey, like a big puppy. Light-brown, soft, collar-length hair. Round face. Clean shaven. You don't walk, you stride; but haphazardly, not purposefully. Ninety percent of the time happy, occasionally can be huffy-grumpy. Short attention span. Devoted...
  10. third man girl

    Want to play? Version 2.0

    By 'educated writers' I was referring to people who have had the benefit of creative writing classes, eg Ashlea. I would like honest criticism regarding my use of language, grammar, writing ability, etc. But the actual story is probably only of interest to me. That was what I meant when I said I...
  11. third man girl

    Haruki Murakami: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

    Ahh. But did you close your eyes and run your fingertips along the cover, Mile-O? Did you? Did you? ;) Third Man Girl
  12. third man girl


    LOL :D Third Man Girl
  13. third man girl

    Want to play? Version 2.0

    No :) No :) No :) No, Poet. Your questions don't bug me at all. I just can't answer in one quick message. I'm not good at condensing without rambling. And, like you with your poetry, I don't want to give away too much - the ideas, I mean, not the writing. I'd like to post a little...
  14. third man girl


    I enjoy most discussions, but not greatly interested in politics or religion and would avoid both; the light-hearted stuff – well, depends on my mood. The interaction is good. If I was at a party with you all, I wouldn’t say a word – too quiet. But I feel I can join in this particular party. I...
  15. third man girl

    Haruki Murakami: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

    I'm about to start South of the Border, West of the Sun. I haven't read anything else of his yet, but this appealed. Feel the book cover, Wabbit. His name is embossed on the front. Feels nice. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Third Man Girl
  16. third man girl

    Matchmaker, matchmaker

    Thought long and hard about this. I’d match up Kareen, in Johnny Got His Gun, with Holden Caulfield, Catcher in the Rye. Kareen is shy and sweet and loyal. Holden could do with some lovin’. They would live in some peaceful place, such as Cold Mountain, and be warm and happy together. Ahh...
  17. third man girl

    The Gypsy

    You only slipped in that 'endearing' word to distract me from the 'rambling' one. Didn't you? Didn't you? :mad: :) Okay. Promise :o Showboys. You probably have them in the States, too. They're the travelling men who transport the fairs around the country. Travelling fairs; travelling...
  18. third man girl

    The Gypsy

    Presumably I haven't written enough to develop a style yet? It came from, gosh, don't know. *Think - Rewind* Tried to write a poem last night about the guy with the twin brother, but it didn't work; it became a garbled mix of several characters; then I wrote the line about the crystal ball...
  19. third man girl

    Favorite Quotes

    Well, I'm sorry to say that I have tried hard, but fail to like Hemingway. Might as well be honest. Of his forty-nine stories, I liked two. (I'm quite fussy you know, despite a certain blackbird's attempts to slander my person). I liked The Capital of the World - 'He died, as the Spanish phrase...
  20. third man girl

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    You boys are so childish :rolleyes: I'm off to speak to Mile-O. Oh, first. I had something to say to Wabbit about (wait for it) BOOKS! Third Man Girl