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  1. blueboatdriver

    Old Christmas Threads (gifts, well wishes, etc)

    An Appropriate poem; for me anyway: Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house Not a creature was stirring, except me and my spouse The stockings were empty, no presents were wrapped We were way behind schedule and our resources tapped The children were nestled all...
  2. blueboatdriver

    Old Christmas Threads (gifts, well wishes, etc)

    I do. I'm not so sure about a whole plateful though;)
  3. blueboatdriver

    Riddle me this!

    Sorry, couldn't resist it. Happy Christmas:)
  4. blueboatdriver

    Old Christmas Threads (gifts, well wishes, etc)

    Is it Christmas with you yet? We've still got another 47 minutes to go.
  5. blueboatdriver

    Old Christmas Threads (gifts, well wishes, etc)

    Merry Christmas already then. We've got a few hours to go yet. Just got the two kids to bed and relaxing with some nice food and a few glasses of good red wine; bliss. Merry Christmas where ever you are; best wishes for the new year. Peace.:) :D
  6. blueboatdriver

    Riddle me this!

    You know you shouldn't use this forum as a homework aid.;) :)
  7. blueboatdriver

    Happy Birthday to VTChEwbecca and blueboatdriver!

    Thanks very much. I'm not sure I should be celebrating though as I was the big four 'o' . Though they do say life is supposed to begin at 40. We had a great night out with 16 friends and family at an Italian restaurant. Very nice evening.:)
  8. blueboatdriver

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I notice The Crying of Lot 49. Is that a warm up for Gravitys Rainbow or have you already read that one? I read Lot 49 and Vineland but I'm a bit wary of GR. It's sitting there alongside War and Peace, taunting me.
  9. blueboatdriver

    E.L. Doctorow

    I got given a couple of years ago one which isn't on his list of books. It's called City of God published in 2000 I think. My brother-in-law, who did a couple of years in the US studying literature says it's his favourite book; well it was two years ago. I've read it twice and still haven't seen...
  10. blueboatdriver

    The Worst of 2005

    Everything is Illuminated after the first 1/3 perhaps. Oh yeah, talking about crap did anyone in the UK catch QI tonight; Stephen Fry's description of The Da Vinci Code; "Loose stool water and arse gravy of the worst kind." I think Stewart would have approved;)
  11. blueboatdriver

    A question for parents of small children

    I think TV and video can be used as a supplement. My seven year old has always been interested in books from an early age as I've tried to read to him as much as possible; we've worked our way through all the Cronicles of Narnia and are now on Roald Dahl one of which he has read aloud to me...
  12. blueboatdriver

    books in English that MUST be read

    What about George Orwell; fairly easy to read and to comprehend and not to long. Oh, and welcome to the forum and the English language:)
  13. blueboatdriver

    last/next concert ?

    Last;Van Morrison. Next;Bloodbrothers-Willy Russell. I know it's not really a gig but we love it. It's the fourth time I think. Try my hardest not to cry every time.
  14. blueboatdriver

    what we look like, round 2.

    Stewart, I thought you had a rugby ball shaped head and two circular white eyes:rolleyes:
  15. blueboatdriver

    what's everyone up to today?

    CDA, forgive me for asking but what does your signature mean- play snood. Just curious:confused:
  16. blueboatdriver

    Seen this?

    I won an I-pod mini at a works raffle last year. It's something I never would have thought of buying because of the price. It certainly is an impressive piece of kit though. The sound is incredible and I also use it as a portable hard disc.
  17. blueboatdriver

    A Bit of (Stephen) Fry and (Hugh) Laurie

    I can't remember that much about it but 'The Stars' Tennis Balls' is not his best book.
  18. blueboatdriver

    what we look like, round 2.

    It could be a picture of someone else though. I always pictured Stewart to be slightly older and wiser looking, if you know what I mean:confused: I don't like to see pictures of people on forums; it's a bit like when you see a film of a book and the mental picture you have of a person is...
  19. blueboatdriver

    Amusing Google Search

    :cool: cool
  20. blueboatdriver

    what we look like, round 2.

    Like you I'm a learner. I like what you've done though. dpreview is pretty good for photoshop and photography help