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  1. blueboatdriver

    Blackberry picking

    My nan used to tell us, when picking blackberries on the common, to never pick the ones below waist hight.
  2. blueboatdriver

    Perfection or what?

    Played who in what? Never heard of it. The only Tyler I've heard of is in Aerosmith
  3. blueboatdriver

    'lo from the UK

    Hi, It's a pretty good forum but whatever you do don't start another Dan Brown thread. ;)
  4. blueboatdriver

    Perfection or what?

    Nice photo. Who is it?
  5. blueboatdriver

    The most powerful films

    What about Midnight Express. It's definitely one of my top three movies; the ending made me want to jump up and cheer, punch the air etc.
  6. blueboatdriver

    Beating the spammers

    http://www.ebolamonkeyman.com/ Really funny replies to the Nigerian spammer. I've only read the first scam entitled Albert Fred. Very long but well worth a read.
  7. blueboatdriver

    Girls - Weight Issues

    I bet you've made her feel much better. Well done.
  8. blueboatdriver

    Question Game

    yes; Encona Bath or Shower?
  9. blueboatdriver

    Baddiel on Dan Brown.

    Did anyone else catch Heresay on radio 4? Quite a good programme in which David Baddiel took the piss out of The Da Vinci Code; both for and against the book. He said he'd been on a website which basically said it was crap. I presume it was here. It's worth having a listen; you can hear...
  10. blueboatdriver

    Dan Brown

    Thats exactly it. It's a bit like when I was about 16 and first started work someone gave me Master of the Game by Sydney Sheldon and I thought it was excellent; if you read The Da Vinci Code before you have read to much else you might think it's a masterpiece (forgive the pun). These type of...
  11. blueboatdriver

    Testing to see if I can post videos - Camp Referee hopefully coming up

    He definately looked a bit suspect to me :confused: Oh yeah, welcome to the forum RFK. You got more posts off in one night than I have in a year :rolleyes: . Pretty good going.
  12. blueboatdriver

    I just finished reading...

    Just finished The Tin Drum by Gunther Grass. Excellent read;plenty to think about and Oskar Matzerath is one(two) of those charachters you will never forget.
  13. blueboatdriver

    Daphne du Maurier: Rebecca

    I considered it a "page turner" as it forced me into a couple of late nights. I had heard a couple of chapters on one of radio fours' serialisations a few years ago and kind of got swept up in that although I never did hear the end. I then bought the book for my wife which sat there unread...
  14. blueboatdriver

    Books for the Beach

    Or perhaps "The Beach"
  15. blueboatdriver

    banned people

    Nice answer. Sorry Martin, couldn't resist it. ;)
  16. blueboatdriver

    banned people

    I didn't realise members could ban other members. I thought you had to be a mod.
  17. blueboatdriver

    Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina

    On a lighter note; I think Tolstoy got it perfectly correct when describing the difficult chidbirth Levin had to endure. I read it with tears of laughter; maybe you have to have been there! Oh yeah Maya what do you think of Rebbecca. It's definateley in my top ten.
  18. blueboatdriver

    Sea of Glory by N. Philbrick

    Sorry, can't help with this book but I have read The Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick. Excellent book about the whalers from Nantucket. Very interesting and was the basis for Melville's Moby Dick. I will definately try the book you have mentioned. Thanks.