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  1. H

    A Short History Of Nearly Everything.

    I know what you mean - I read that feeling quietly pleased that I live in England. ;)
  2. H

    20 Questions

    i chose that really rare object, a "hat". It didn't get it and didn't even recognise the word when I told it what the answer was!
  3. H

    A Short History Of Nearly Everything.

    Was thinking of starting a new topic on this subject...but thought, 'hold your horses,' let's see if it has been done before.....and of course it has. Am resurrecting this thread therefore to ask if those who were comtemplainting buying it have now read it, and those that were reading it have...
  4. H

    Dean Koontz

    Just bought Odd Thomas (along with 5 others books by different authors) - it's just gone to the top of my 'To Read' list, thanks to your comments. Can't wait to start it....but just have to finish my current book which is very good (Dennis Lehane - Mystic River). Cheers guys
  5. H

    Dean Koontz

    Another recurring theme......dogs (usually yellow labs). My favourite is Watchers.
  6. H

    Anatomy of a book

    New books - I like the way they look so crisp and shiny and smooth when you have just bought them from the bookshop. Second hand books - I like looking for clues on the former reader - were they a page bender? when did they stop between reads? was it a christmas gift? eg front page...
  7. H


    English - mother tongue French - fairly fluent Hungarian - not bad German - can get by Spanish - at a push I love learning languages and my strangest experience with languages was in Romania. I was playing cards with a hungarian, a romanian, a croat, an american and a german - the only...
  8. H


    Carrot and Coriander, with lashings of pepper, and french bread with proper butter so that the butter melts into the soup :)
  9. H

    Movie: The Ring

    I preferred the Japanese one. It was more rooted in mythology and although slower I liked this as it built up the tension more. I watched it at night on my own and that one scene (you know which one I'm talking about) scared the beejesus out of me. If anyone has read the book I would be...
  10. H

    Internet Explorer or Netscape?

    I've always used IE but on holiday last week I had access to a PC with Netscape on it - and I actually quite liked it. I was also told it has less security holes than IE. Since getting home have installed Netscape and am now using it as my default browser. Which do you prefer and why...
  11. H

    Did you know ...

    On a similar (sort of) subject - did you know that the longest a chicken survived without its head is 18 mths? They fed and watered it through its neck. In the end it died by choking on something. True story - I read it in the Guiness Book of Records whilst I was on holiday last week. I...
  12. H

    Digital cameras - advice needed

    Thank you all for your excellent suggestions and advice. Will need to set aside an evening to do some serious research based on your replies. Will let you know what I purchased in the end. Thanks again, you guys are ace. :)
  13. H

    The state of play. Jul-Dec '04

    I posted some suggestions in there - I won't bother to repost them as they obviously weren't deemed interesting enough to keep the thread open. Will keep opinions to self in future. :( (sorry - having a bad day)
  14. H

    Digital cameras - advice needed

    I am going to buy a digital camera but have no clue where to start. I have been told I should buy one with no less then 3 million pixels but since looking around the choice is so huge. Does anyone have any advice or know of any good sites or magazines which have reviews etc? Other info...
  15. H

    John Sandford

    Never read John Sandford but I love Michael Connelly and have read all of this books. My favourite would have to be The Poet (even though it doesn't feature Bosch). :)
  16. H

    Conan O'brian

    I used to watch it when I was in Hungary (1996) as NBC was the only english language channel we could get. Good to hear he is still going strong. He is very funny.
  17. H

    Book of the Month Jul-Dec 2004

    Very topical - good choice. Is it fiction or a true story? Not the D-day landings obviously, but the actual story. :rolleyes:
  18. H

    Last night I dreamt I had written 'Lord Of The Rings'....

    I can't believe I just posted that.
  19. H

    Last night I dreamt I had written 'Lord Of The Rings'....

    ...this morning I realised I'd just been Tolkein in my sleep.
  20. H

    The pointless fact thread!

    The saying "saved by the bell" comes from the old days when they used to dig up graves and find scratch marks on the inside of coffins. People used to attach a piece of string to the inside of the coffin and this used to run up through the earth and was attached to a bell. If the person was...