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Search results

  1. H

    Why the Chicken Crossed the Road

    Yes your right Halo - sorry for the delay in responding. :)
  2. H

    Why the Chicken Crossed the Road

    Can't take the credit I'm afraid. It's a quote from a well-known comedy series. Brownie points for anyone who can guess where it's from. :)
  3. H

    Why the Chicken Crossed the Road

    LOL :D
  4. H

    Pictures of my library

    I'm in awe of your library and your job - working in a bookstore - how wonderful. :)
  5. H

    Need a new detective to follow Harry Bosch

    I couldn't recommend Connelly enough. Basically there are three types of Connelly novel: 1= Those featuring Detective Harry Bosch - would recommend starting from book one here as they are as much about Bosch's life as the crimes he solves 2= Those featuring Terry Mcaleb (I think that's his...
  6. H

    Need a new detective to follow Harry Bosch

    You could try the 'Rebus' series by Ian Rankin. Not as good as Connelly but still worth reading the series if you liked Bosch.
  7. H

    How much is too much?

    I agree about the price of hardbacks which is why I only ever buy paperbacks new. However, there is nothing better than pottering around second hand book stalls and charity shops and finding an immaculate hardback for a tenth of the price it was new. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling for the rest...
  8. H

    New member

    Welcome to the fourm blithespirit (Lita). Hope you enjoy it here. :)
  9. H

    book lover from canada

    Welcome to the forum chairmanmieow - take a seat and warm yourself up. :)
  10. H

    A new guy here folks!

    Welcome to the forum Sameer. Enjoy. :)
  11. H


    Welcome to the forum missy six, hope you enjoy it here. :)
  12. H

    Scariest Book Ever?

    Being a horror fanatic, I find it quite difficult to find a book which really scares me these days. I agree that In Cold Blood, probably because it really happened, was quite chilling. I found the most chilling aspects of this book were more about the state of society, crime and punishment...
  13. H

    Horrible characters

    I know I'm probably alone on this one, but I found Paul Atriedes (the 'hero' from Dune - Frank Herbert) totally obnoxious. If anybody needed taking out and beating with a very large stick, it was him. :mad:
  14. H

    J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    I was slightly bored during the first few chapters of this book - when they went to the Quidditch World Cup, I thought it dragged a bit. The rest was great though. I am surprised that most people found it much better than the rest (not just here but in The Big Read) - in my opinion they are...
  15. H

    Helen Fielding: Bridget Jones's Diary

    I'm not usually a fan of 'chick lit.' (with the exception of Marian Keyes) but really enjoyed this book and the sequel. I think one of the reasons it was so successful was the fact that most people could relate to her insecurities. Being a smoker, I had to smile in sympathy when reading...
  16. H

    Amusing exchange of correspondence

    Very funny - I'm going to send this to all my friends. :)
  17. H

    Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials

    Only me.... sorry to ressurrect my own thread but am now half way through book three, and I have the following comments to make. I'm finding it quite difficult to believe that this is actually a book aimed specifically at children, I mean you can read it on so many different levels. I can...
  18. H

    Greetings and salutations

    Welcome to TheBookForum zenwalrus. Enjoy. :)
  19. H

    Books you were forced to read at school!

    I absolutely think you can ruin a good book by over-analysis. I remember sitting in A-level English Lit. listening to the teacher going on about what the author REALLY meant and thinking "How do you know what the author really meant?". I sure all we ended up doing was critiquing not the books...
  20. H

    Frank Herbert: Dune

    As far as the Fremen are concerned, I'm afraid I don't have anything new to add to the argument (I mean debate). In my opinion, they were portrayed very positively, and you've got to admire the way they coped with all that adversity. They were a bit of strange bunch though, I certainly...