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  1. H


    I'm really sorry if I insulted everyone and made martin and phil angry. Apologies - once again. I'm quite harmless really. :confused:
  2. H

    Book for my mom

    Perhaps you ought to buy her a saucepan set - I tried and failed to get my mum into 'good' books - she much prefers poking around in the library. Books in her opinion are a waste of money when there's a libraray down the road. My mum loves reading - she got me into it - but she would prefer a...
  3. H

    Book for my mom

    Pretty difficult if we don't know the genre your mum likes- I can go only go by what my own mum likes which is John Grisham, Maeve Binchy and Catherine Cookson. For more 'cool' mums I would suggest Memoirs of a Geisha (my mum hated this though) and Angela's Ashes (my mum also hated this...
  4. H

    UK's favourite book is...

    I did wonder about LOTR being so popular because of the film - but as already said it has been popular in the polls long before the film was released, even in countries other than the UK. I thought it was great - not my personal favourite - but I can see why it got the nation's favourite...
  5. H


    I'm quite new but thought I'd be the first to welcome you. Off to bed now as eyes are closing. Enjoy the site and the forums. :)
  6. H

    Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime And Punishment

    I have tried to read this book twice now - the second time I even got half way through. It just seemed too much like hardwork so I gave it up as a bad job. Sorry, that wasn't very helpful was it.
  7. H

    Favorite Quotes

    I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. -D.H. Lawrence
  8. H

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    What I meant was that I carry a book with me everywhere I go (in my bag) - useful when sitting on the tube, bus, in waiting rooms etc. Believe you me the morning rush hour on the Piccadilly Line is hard, dirty work. :cool:
  9. H

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    I always use an emery board (nail file) - great bookmark and very handy if you break a nail. :D
  10. H

    Books you were forced to read at school!

    Was just wondering what novels, plays, poetry was on your school syllabus. We had to read a tonne of books for english lit. and french lit. A-level and we had to analyse them in so much detail I was sick of them by the end of it. A great way to ruin a perfectly good book. lol. These are...
  11. H

    Can anybody tell me what is wrong with my stupid printer?

    Hmmm - have you tried adjusting the margins? You could also just copy and paste the entire essay into a separate document and try that - sometimes peculiar things happen to working documents in terms of page layouts (in my experience). Failing that put it on to a floppy disc and print it out a...
  12. H

    Edgar Allen Poe

    Edgar Allen Poe is one of my favourite writers - this is a great site with all his work on it - lots of reading there. :) http://bau2.uibk.ac.at/sg/poe/Work.html
  13. H

    Christmas Movies

    I'd lay money on there being at least 3 James Bond films on over the christmas period.
  14. H

    Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code

    I haven't read this but having read the comments here i may well. I reminds me of a book,which was not critically acclaimed, ut was along the same lines - The Genisis Code by John Case - I thought this novel was fabulous (and I'm quite a tough critic myself).
  15. H


    I will pay more attention to what I title my posts in the future (when i can pick my self off the floor from laughing so much). Cheers guys
  16. H

    Has it all been done?

    I have written quite a lot, but never anything as big as a novel. I have been thinking about writing one for some time now but am worried about unwittingly chosing a topic, storyline which has already been done but that I may not know about. Does that sound odd? Does anyone else worry about this?
  17. H

    Terry Pratchett

    I am trying to get through the Discworld Series at the moment. My favourite character (if you can call it that) is The Luggage - a great creation. I particularly liked Small Gods - very clever.
  18. H


    Hi all Just thought I'd pop in and say hello, registered today. I'll read any type of book as long as it is good in its field - horror, comedy, modern, classics, high brow, low brow, fiction, non-fiction, you get the picture... Am currently reading Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett...