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  1. Literati

    You ever...?

    I am having this exact problem right now... I started reading "Lovely Bones"- got about half way through it and was just not into it anymore... it's not the book itself, it's me. Then I started reading "Naked Lunch" and only got through the first chapter on that one. Now i'm just...
  2. Literati

    Pictures of your book collection

    This is a fabulous thread... I don't have pics of all my "piles" but I will have to do so. We have books in every room of the house. And, I liked from the pics above, that the Dr Laura book was in the "junk" pile :D Just a personal thing...
  3. Literati

    Pam Houston

    Does anyone else know who this is???
  4. Literati

    The Best Character in Fiction?

    I would have to agree with Boo Radley from To Kill A Mockingbird.
  5. Literati

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I am such a pack rat when it comes to books... I buy them just to have them on my shelves. I can't tell you how many books live on my shelves that I have never read. I can't remember what the last books I bought were because I'm always buying something... I do have on hold right now...
  6. Literati

    best concert

    I have been to a lot of concerts in my time, but my favorite - by far- was one I went to last year. RICK SPRINGFIELD I know, I know... you're all thinking "who?" He wasn't just a one hit wonder- but I could go on and on about that. He puts on an awesome show with SO much energy, it's amazing...
  7. Literati

    Do you read children's books?

    same here!!!
  8. Literati

    Banned Books?

    Does anyone else here have an affinity for banned books?? :D Sorry if this thread is a repeat, I looked for one but couldn't find it.
  9. Literati

    What are you listening to Right now?

    Rick Springfield "Like Father, Like Son" :D
  10. Literati

    Any Writers Here

    I'm just starting my journey into fiction (have worked mostly with poetry in the past). My three writers would be: Poe Tom Barbash Pam Houston
  11. Literati

    Salman Rushdie: The Satanic Verses

    I bought this book before Mr Rushie was in town for a lecture- I had planned on going but got sick and couldn't go. I never got the book read, but it's on my TBR list for sure.
  12. Literati

    Turning your book passion into an occupation

    I worked at a small, independent bookstore for 2 years during college and LOVED it. My bosses were so great at prepping me to become a store owner myself. Someday I WILL own my own store. Also thought about going into teaching, though i'm taking a break from school right now to decide what I...
  13. Literati

    Favorite 3 books of all time

    It is tough to narrow it down to three... but here goes. Sight Hound- Pam Houston DaVinci Code- Dan Brown Secret Lives of Bees- Sue Monk Kidd
  14. Literati

    Have you ever met one of your favourite authors?

    I met Pam Houston before she became my favorite author... it was meeting her and getting her second book (Waltzing the Cat) that turned me onto her. I have read everything she's written since meeting her in 1999. There is another author I met at that same conference- one I used to have a lot...
  15. Literati

    Pam Houston

    I love Pam Houston- author of "Cowboys are my Weakness", "A Little More about Me", "Sight Hound" and "Waltzing the Cat". She is an excellent author and I just found out that A&E has just put out a DVD biography of her... mine is already on its way!! If you haven't read her, check her out- she's...
  16. Literati

    Sue Monk Kidd: The Secret Life Of Bees

    I LOVED this book- I wasn't sure I was going to at first but I fell more in love with each page I read.
  17. Literati

    What is the longest book/work you've ever read?

    So far it's DaVinci Code- soon to be War & Peace
  18. Literati

    Greetings from Iowa

    Hello all. I am new to the forums and just wanted to say hello. I am from central Iowa and currently work for corporate America- not by choice. :eek: I am an avid reader- currently reading Lovely Bones. I have a hefty goal for myself (as far as reading goes) for this year, but I'm getting a...