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Search results

  1. Jenna

    I'm back!

    Found my way back! First, I was in deadline hell, then in editing purgatory, then I forgot my password...sheesh. But I finally found my way back. I find my time limited to be on any forum these days. Editing is good. *G* Anyway, I thought I would pop in now and again to recommend some books that...
  2. Jenna

    How you choose your books?

    ***How strange! :eek: I just asked this same question on another list I'm on. I hate getting slammed in the face with promos everytime I read my email lists. I wondered if anyone else felt the same way. Too much promo and I run screaming from that author. And I don't trust Amazon.com reviews...
  3. Jenna

    What is your battle cry?

    Oh this is so not fair! :mad: My battle cry? "I'm going to torment you until you have puppies!" Sheesh!
  4. Jenna


    Ratties are the best! I used to have a coupla dozen of the little critters. Got none now. :( But I didn't let them run loose for fear of losing them to the cats.
  5. Jenna

    Dark Fantasy

    There are a number of things I would consider dark fantasy - vampires, werewolves, ghosts, things that go bump in the night. Psycho thrillers. Stuff like that. There is a big genre selling right now in electronic and small press in the paranormal area - vampires being the biggest. In fact, I...
  6. Jenna

    Just Released

    It won't be in hardback, but in trade paperback. I don't know when though. Still, the download is only $3. Couldn't hurt to try at that price. :)
  7. Jenna

    Just Released

    A new book was just released through my publisher Writers Exchange Epublishing. It's a great book - I know cuz I edited it. :) It's called I, Spiritkin, it's a fantasy book. What I liked about it was the tight plotting and the fight scenes, and the mystery. Anyway, it's not yet available in...
  8. Jenna

    Currently Reading

    Yup, there's a section on Glamis. But it only mentions the ghost of Lady Campbell and Earl Beardie. Although, Sir Walter Scott said of Glamis: "I began to consider myself as too far from the living and somewhat too near the dead." Have you been there?
  9. Jenna

    Currently Reading

    Boo! Just bought a book called Haunted Castles of Britain and Ireland. There's a few in there from Scotland and Wales as well. It's a pretty kewl book. Has pix of the castles and then a little story about the ghost that haunts them. I know we have members here in the UK. Does anyone know...
  10. Jenna

    Why do books cost so much?

    Ok, coming at it from a writers standpoint - the cost of doing business keeps going up. When a publishing house contracts and releases in mass market, they do a huge print run - usually in the tens of thousands. Now, if all of those books don't sell within a specified time, they are remaindered...
  11. Jenna

    I Need A Volunteer

    Thanks all, but I think I've got it covered! :)
  12. Jenna


    Hi Ice. I was gonna say kewl name, but someone already beat me to it. :cool:
  13. Jenna

    Well, here it is

    A number of writers on my lists use the Jornada. I think it's a great idea. I like to write outside in the garden, but my handwriting has deterioted over the years. I would love to have a little Jornada for that! Oh and the word on the reader - it WILL be available in the US. They're just...
  14. Jenna

    Well, here it is

    Not kidding. You can see right through the plastic, and it doesn't get wet. Those hottubs can bubble something fierce. And if you accidentally drop the thing, it's protected. Drop a paperback in the tubbie and you're well, soaked. :D
  15. Jenna

    Well, here it is

    Nah. I put my ebookman in a ziplock baggie and read away in bathtub or hottub. No problems.
  16. Jenna

    Well, here it is

    For all of those who like the look and feel of a book, here is the new Sony ebook reader. Pretty kewl. Unfortunately, right now it's only available in Japan, and there is no cost mentioned. *sigh* http://www.eink.com/news/releases/pr70.html
  17. Jenna

    Member Titles

    Oh! Then I want Majesty. No, wait...Empress...No! Wait! Goddess of the Universe. Yeah, that's the title I want. :cool:
  18. Jenna

    Member Titles

    What is a custom member title? And why is my dot green? Is it to match my avatar? And should I be asking this in the Ask Me Anything Column? :confused:
  19. Jenna


    Dystopia? You must read a lot of non fiction then. :p Welcome to the boards. I've been scarce lately because I was redoing my homepage. TADA!
  20. Jenna

    A story in cliches.

    I got a kick out of it. Thought it was spot on. CLiches? Where? :rolleyes: