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Search results

  1. Jenna

    Teacher & Author in MA

    Welcome from me too! I saw in another post about your ancestry. I think I might look that book up. Sounds interesting.
  2. Jenna

    Gotta Good Review

    Thanks, Martin. Now, go buy my book. :mad: Oh, wait, it's a romance. Bleach! :p
  3. Jenna

    Gotta Good Review

    I've been in print - trade paperback. My publisher would put this into trade paperback as well. But I'm an electronic author. I sorta feel like it would be contradictory to expouse the benefits of electronic books, and then go into print. I would never pay to be in print, BTW. I don't do vanity...
  4. Jenna

    Gotta Good Review

    Thanks everyone! Hey, you serious book readers should really start checking out ebooks. No more sagging book shelves. Think how many books you can burn onto one little CD. Think how many CDs you can put on one little shelf. Think how many books you can buy for $3! And for those who ride the...
  5. Jenna

    I'm new

    Welcome, Rainbow. Hope you enjoy it here. Just watch out for the tails. ;)
  6. Jenna

    chasin a dream

    Welcome, welcome. I know a few dyslexic authors, so I know it can be done. Just get yourself a good editor. If you have the story, it shouldn't be that hard to fix up some of the words, eh?
  7. Jenna

    Gotta Good Review

    Yippee! :D I got a review this morning for my ebook Nitesh. You can read it at the following URL: http://www.fictionfactor.com/reviews/nitesh.html I just wanted to share. It's sorta my comeback novel. I withdrew all of my books, and am now only starting to release them yet again. I don't...
  8. Jenna

    An Introduction to me,

    Welcome. And if you understood all of the above, well, then, well, then...I guess you understood it. I didn't. :p
  9. Jenna

    What's in a name?

    Welcome Easybeat. I don't post a lot, because I don't read a lot. Well, I do read a lot but I do editing on books that haven't yet been released, so none of you would have read them to discuss them. :D Anyway, wanted to comment on your name - you should think positive and call yourself...
  10. Jenna

    Kodak Moments

    Yeah, well the other day I was sitting at a stop light. Just as the light turned green, I looked at the car to my right. A big dog, head hanging out the back window, turned and looked at me and he was wearing :cool:
  11. Jenna

    Music - redux

    Music? You guys can listen to music while you're on the computer? Wow. My brain does one thing at a time these days. Wow.... :eek:
  12. Jenna

    Look what I bought!

    Oh my! It's cute as the dickens! :D I may just have to go out and roll my dumb ol van so's I can get me a mini. I LOVE em!
  13. Jenna

    Your Pets

    Now? I have a chihuahua who is almost 9 years old. Let's see...that's what, about 63 or so in human years. I have two cats - a torty and a Turkish Van. A tank of fishies, and a beta in his own little tank (I call it Fish TV, since the cat likes to sit and watch). I don't have anymore rodents -...
  14. Jenna


    Oh hey, just thought of these. They are really old books but done by the master - Asimov. Only under another name - I think it's French, Paul French maybe. Check out the Lucky Starr books. Starr is a space bounty hunter if I remember. It's been a long time since I read the books. Anyway, just a...
  15. Jenna

    Hey Everyone

    Welcome! Hope you enjoy it here. Hope you get lots of recommendations as well!
  16. Jenna


    I have nothing on my TBR pile. Nada. I devour my magazines when they come. I only get two at the moment - National Geographic and Archaeology. But that's enough. I have too much reading to do with the editing job. Egad. But good news is afoot - I just got back the edited copy of Muse of Fire...
  17. Jenna

    Check out my website - please

    Well, now that's weird. I have the text inside a table. The background shouldn't bleed over it at all. But you have a huge screen so maybe the border is repeating itself. I'm not that good with html to be able to tell it not to, so I'll need to run over there and do something. Maybe put a color...
  18. Jenna

    Check out my website - please

    Oh, well duh. I gave you all the wrong url. It's http://www.geocities.com/frances_evlin That's with an underline, not a hyphen. It was late. I was tired. Yeah, that's my excuse. Now, if someone could just explain that error message. I don't know html. Drat. Thanks for looking!
  19. Jenna

    Check out my website - please

    Can youse guys check out my website? I redesigned it, and I'm not quite sure I did it right. I keep getting a message that says done but with errors on the page. I can't see any errors - everything loads for me. So, if peops using different browsers could take a looksee, I would appreciate it...
  20. Jenna

    Writing easier than marketing

    Send your book out for review. Post your reviews. Join email lists, but don't join just to promote. Use a sig line. Um...give away free books. :) I give away many more than I ever sell. I write because I enjoy it, and I like sharing my works with others, so it doesn't bother me to give them...