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Search results

  1. Jenna

    Day of a house

    LOL YOu sound like me. If I think there is any hint that a book is going to have an unhappy ending, I usually read the ending first. My reasoning is that I won't be so upset if I don't know and care about the characters yet. Then I don't read the book at all, because I don't want to think about...
  2. Jenna

    And then they all died

    Actually the way I've done my series is that each book can be a stand alone. It's sorta like a TV series in that each book has it's own crisis that is resolved at book's end. There are some continuing threads through all of the books though. Still, since it's a series dealing with magic, it's...
  3. Jenna

    And then they all died

    ***Um, ok. Maybe what I should do, then, is to destroy the last book I write, as that will be the one too many :confused: But I see what you mean. I would have preferred to have thought about Hercules and his sidekick going off to do more butt-kicking together. Heh.
  4. Jenna

    And then they all died

    Series! We love em, we hate em. Most of the successful tv shows are series. Some go for a few years, others go for a long time. Books are the same way. People seem to like reading series - as long as they don't go on too long. So, what is too long? When should a series end? How should a series...
  5. Jenna

    Hi from Hannover / Germany

    Welcome from an epic fantasy writer. :)
  6. Jenna


    Yeah, I have to agree with no bold, no caps. It's not usually done. The sound reference should come in the narrative. You could say something like: "Stephen!" She called again, this time her voice loud and shrill. "Stephen!" Ok, not a great example, but hopefully it makes sense.
  7. Jenna

    Day of a house

    This was sad. You made me sad. Bad boy. Excellant writing, but you made me sad. Poor dog.:(
  8. Jenna


    Well, most small houses do a variety of genres - even some that have long thought to have been forgotten - westerns, gothic, cozies, things like that. There are lots and lots of paranormal - vampires, werewolves, shapechangers - and lots of romantica and romance. By far the best selling seems to...
  9. Jenna

    Invented Words

    I use made up words all of the time. As someone pointed out, if they are used in a context in which they will be understood, it works. For instance, if you have a character who is mad about something, and he says: Aces! You're an idiot - you can probably guess that Aces is a swear word or a...
  10. Jenna

    Laugh Out Loud Funny

    Ok, this was just one section in a book not yet released, but it had to do with a guy home from Vietnam, anxious to be with his wife, satin sheets, and silk pajamas. I almost choked on my coffee at that one.
  11. Jenna

    Greetings and Salutations

    Welcome from me, too, who has never read Pratchett. Or most of the other authors mentioned here. Gosh, just what have I been reading???
  12. Jenna

    how much do you write per day?

    I wrote my first "book" in the 6th grade. It was about a clam. I've been writing ever since, but not about clams. I wrote before that, but just little things like poetry and short stories. I can write as little as a sentence a day, to well over 2500 words. It all depends on the strength of...
  13. Jenna

    Paper Piles

    Hmmm, on that I have no clue as to the technical terms. I know there is something called fastback binding - I think that's what you see on the paperbacks that look like each page was stuck in. But you might search Google for that and see if you can get a definition. Sorry.
  14. Jenna

    Paper Piles

    Paper has a weight. If you look at the different reams of paper in an office supply store, you'll see the weight on the wrapper. Here, in the states, it's listed in pounds, but I have no idea how they do it overseas. As for the second quesiton - huh? Not sure what you're asking.
  15. Jenna

    Please help!

    ***Ebooks are book that you can read on your computer screen or your PDA, or other handheld device. It's really nice for those who live outside of the USA, since there is no shipping fee. And you can get your book within an hour of ordering it. Most cost around $5, but there are some places that...
  16. Jenna

    favorite song?

    Wow! Two of us who love Neil Diamond? I have never been to a concert before but I always said that he'd be the one I'd want to see. Sweet Caroline, Cracklin Rosie, and the heart-rending Shiloh. Makes me cry everytime I hear it.
  17. Jenna

    favorite song?

    I like a lot of the ones mentioned here. I'm very eclectic in my music. I like most anything Celtic, bagpipes, CCR, Neil Diamond (yeah, that guy), Pink, Eminen - as I said, very eclectic.
  18. Jenna

    Currently Reading

    As I said, I edit for a small press, so I read ebooks which haven't yet been released. But I just read a nice little YA called The Ninth Gues by Jennifer St Claire. It's all about vampires, ghosts, a haunted house, and deception. Nicely done. Before that I read a book called Toppers by...
  19. Jenna

    Books/Authors you hate

    You know if you're talking about fantasy movies, has anyone seen DragonWorld? It's old, but it's a neat little story. The special effects are lame, but the hero is to die for. A Scotsman. Kilt, accent and all. Still, it's a cute movie.
  20. Jenna

    Please help!

    Well, you could try ebooks. Novel Books Inc has very high quality fantasy. Also check out Zumaya, and Mundania Press. Piers Anthony has some new books over at Mundania. Some names - Welsh, *lizzie starr, G. McAbee, St. Clair, hmmm...there are more but those are my favs in ebooks.