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Search results

  1. Jenna

    which genres do you read?

    I am editor for a small press, so I am rather eclectic in what I read for that. Otherwise, I tend to read nonfiction - Archaeology Mag, National Geographic, ancient mythology books, gardening books, books on herbs - in short, most anything I can use in my writing in some way. I usually buy...
  2. Jenna

    Books/Authors you hate

    Well, to be honest, I can't remember the books very well. But I always wondered in the movie - if he could command an eagle to come and fetch him from the tower, then why didn't he book passage on said eagle to fly Frodo to Mt Doom to deposit the ring? That has bugged me for the longest time...
  3. Jenna

    Books/Authors you hate

    Wow! I am totally shocked to hear that said about Tolkien here in this forum! Usually the man is thought of as near to a god in the fantasy genre. But I felt the same way. I never would have read the books at all (and really only truly read the first one completely through) except that I was...
  4. Jenna

    Books/Authors you hate

    Actually, I met Mr Anthony last year. He's a very sweet, quiet man. From what I could tell, he doesn't live lavishly. But this brings to mind what a lot of people think about writers - that they're all rich. They're not. There are a few who are, but most of them aren't. Most authors never get...
  5. Jenna

    Books/Authors you hate

    If you guys hate these authors so much, then why do you continue to buy their books? Maybe if you stop, NY will get the hint, and start bringing on new authors from the zillions who are trying to break into the Big Apple. I hear this over and over on readers' lists - they hate the authors but...
  6. Jenna

    Hardback or paperback?

    Just got this link from one my writers lists. Thought it might answer some questions about ebooks: http://www.news-journalonline.com/NewsJournalOnline/Opinion/Columnists/247/03SceneTWEN011404.htm
  7. Jenna

    Hardback or paperback?

    The ebook selection is huge. The nice thing is that you get to discover new authors. Some of the books I've read are better than some paperbacks I've read. A lot of the books are genres that NY won't touch - readers like them, but NY isn't on the same wavelength for some reason. I do have an...
  8. Jenna

    Im a newbie!

    Welcome from the north
  9. Jenna

    Hardback or paperback?

    I buy hardback for research. I don't buy paperback. I can't stand the smell of them to be honest. Musty, inky, whatever it is, it makes me sneeze. So, I buy ebooks instead.
  10. Jenna

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome. I only read fantasy by choice, so, sorry, can't be much of a help.
  11. Jenna

    How much is too much?

    I buy ebooks. There are some places where ebooks are only a coupla dollars. That I can afford. I don't like it when they charge 5 or 6 bucks for an ebook either. In fact, I tried to dissuade several companies from doing just that. My theory has always been that more people will buy if they're...
  12. Jenna

    Hola from Sunny San Diego

  13. Jenna

    book lover from canada

    Yeah, I usually go out to the web conversion site and let it do the work for me. :D
  14. Jenna

    book lover from canada

    And a hello from me as well! Ok, in F, just how cold is -30C? Yeah, I'm an American. I also enjoyed The Count of Montecristo. I recently watched the movie as well. Love them swordfights. I go to a few Ren Faires and my daughter is interested in joining the swordfighting teams. She has to be...
  15. Jenna

    Newbie here

    I think my longest living rattie was 5 years. Most I've had at one time was 26. Yeah, my black lab ran smack into a tree once when she was a puppy. Then she fell in the lake and thereafter refused to swim. Hated water. My chihuahua is extremely quiet - he only barks when he's playing. Not the...
  16. Jenna


    Hi Melinda, Welcome. My mother is in love with The Isle of Man. My sis lives outside of London, and mom has been to England too many times to remember. She traveled through the Isle as well, doing research for her book. She writes medieval fictional fantasy - in another words, she bases her...
  17. Jenna

    Newbie here

    Greetings. Thought I should introduce myself since I've already posted on a few boards. :D I'm a writer and an editor for a small publishing house in Australia. No, I don't live there, but I work for them. The internet has opened up whole new worlds, donchaknow. I write fantasy adventure...
  18. Jenna


    Do you necessarily want to selfpublish? There are dozens of small publishers who produce ebooks. Some charge you, some don't. Personally I would never pay to have a book published. The money should always flow TO the author, not away from the author.
  19. Jenna

    Vampire Novel Recommendations

    Vampire books???? You want vampire books??? Check out ebooks? This is one of the hottest genres (aside from erotica) in ebook literature. Almost every single epubber has them by the scads. Go to FictionWise to see some. But be sure to check out the actual publishers for a better price. Writers...
  20. Jenna

    Reading in February

    Me? I'm reading for the my job, but other than that, I've decided to re-read all of my own manuscripts. LOL