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  1. mom2kngr

    Why is reading 'dorky'?

    I am not sure that reading was considered "dorky" when I was growing up. I was not much of a reader til I got older. I hated reading when I was in school and maybe it was because we had to read alot of books that I didn't really care for. My daughter liked to read alot until this last year and I...
  2. mom2kngr

    Hello from Arkansas

    Hi and welcome to the forum bonegreeter!:)
  3. mom2kngr

    I am new here!

    Hi Mockingbird and welcome to the forum!!:)
  4. mom2kngr

    Book Lust Bookring

    OMG u are kidding me SFG. I live about 25 miles from Norton. Now I know who your brother in law is! :) Dont know him personally just know of him and his wife and that they run the DQ there in Norton. Small small world!!
  5. mom2kngr

    Book Lust Bookring

    Ugh! My list is already never-ending. LOL How will I ever read all the books I have on my TBR list??? Come on someone tell me...LOL jk:D But to be honest my TBR list has tripled since I joined this forum:eek:
  6. mom2kngr

    Book Lust Bookring

    I have finished the book! It is amazing how fast u can read a book when u know someone else is waiting for it...LOL Well anyways, I sent the book out around noon to u SFG, so I hope u see it in a few days. I just sent it media mail. Abecedarian, I now know what u mean by list making:) I have a...
  7. mom2kngr

    New Member

    Hi and welcome to the forum dreamseeker!:D
  8. mom2kngr

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I just purchased The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova off ebay a couple days ago and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of it!:)
  9. mom2kngr

    finally a nice place full of readers!!

    Hi and welcome to the forum!!:D
  10. mom2kngr

    Problems with site

    I also have not had any problems with this site either. Might be a silly suggestion but have u checked for spyware on your computer?
  11. mom2kngr


    Welcome to the forum! :D
  12. mom2kngr

    Book Lust Bookring

    I have received this today! I will try to get it out to u SFG75 as soon as I can sit and read for any length of time.
  13. mom2kngr

    Book Lust Bookring

    I am awful excited about this also. I was really hoping to have it on Saturday, so that I could get started but it wasnt here and there is no mail delivered on Monday, so I will not see it til probably Tuesday! I will let everyone know when I receive it:D
  14. mom2kngr

    How many books have you read in 2005?

    WOW:eek: I am in shock over how many books some of u have read this year! WTG!! I am jealous...I have 2 kids that make reading impossible most of the time...but i do get some done. I havent kept a list but am thinking I will be starting one soon. Here is what I have read so far (in hopes I have...
  15. mom2kngr


    Welcome to the forum!! :D
  16. mom2kngr

    Book Lust Bookring

    I saw a little interview about this on TV. It was a interview on how he went back there after it happened and kinda relived it all and they told about what actually happened as they went on. Very interesting and sad but I bet it would be a very good book!!
  17. mom2kngr

    Comedy books!!!

    Well I have been reading these Stephanie Plum novels from Janet Evanovich and have absolutely love them :D I started reading them while walking the treadmill and well I had to stop that before I got injured. I am about done with the 8th one and there are 11 a the moment ( she is still writing...
  18. mom2kngr

    Book Lust Bookring

    Oh that would be soo fun!! I would be in for it....Life is kind of hectic right now so hopefully I can find time to read and move it on. LOL I swear somedays I need a clone or two :D
  19. mom2kngr

    Starting a New Thread? Would you? Will you?

    Ugh I did the same thing. Sorry. I said yes but mean no I would not be intimidated to start a new thread. :D
  20. mom2kngr

    Ok folks, who are our smokers and who are our non smokers?

    I use to smoke...and was quite a heavy smoker. I would smoke a carton a week sometimes in less than a week. But me and hubby quit together about 6-7 years ago. Just decided when the prices went up that we were going to use that as a excuse to quit and so when our cigarettes were all gone we were...