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  1. mom2kngr

    Hey Woundedthorns

    LOL ...omg this made me giggle ...thanks!! My son is bouncing off the walls today from all the sugar. I feel like i need to strap him to a chair but instead I think I will go lay him down for a nap :D
  2. mom2kngr

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Well I finally made it to a bookstore...lol...We went to Lincoln Nebraska yesterday for a day away from the kids and I talked my husband into stopping at Barnes & Noble and I bought...The Way the Crow Flies and a couple books for the kids ;)
  3. mom2kngr

    Maeve Binchy

    I also read and loved Tara Road! I have another one of hers that i cant think of the name right now and haven't either been in the mood to read or just couldnt get into it!
  4. mom2kngr

    hardback or softback books? Which do you prefer?

    I go with paperbacks...I like to be able to stick a book in my purse to take with me places. Paperbacks fit just so much easier than a hardback:) I just hate how big and bulky hardbacks are and they usually are more expensive.
  5. mom2kngr

    Book Lust Bookring

    Oh gosh SFG i have seen that before but made me giggle again... Thanks!!:D
  6. mom2kngr

    Book Lust Bookring

    OMG u guys crack me up!!:p Maybe if i have more time when it gets a round a bit i will join in but i sure can't be one of the first ones. I am soooo sick of living in my car:(
  7. mom2kngr

    Book Lust Bookring

    :( I think i will have to pass on this one right now. We are just doing too much running around with the kids and holidays/birthdays and all. Things are too hectic so I am afraid i wouldnt get it read in descent timing.
  8. mom2kngr

    Janet Evanovich

    Queen Latifah playing Lula would be absolutely perfect! Lula has to be my favorite!! Her outfits crack me up...LOL
  9. mom2kngr

    Michael Bailey: Palindrome Hannah

    I have never heard of this book and was trying to find something on it so I could see what it is about and couldnt find anything at all:confused: Can u tell me what it is about?:)
  10. mom2kngr


    Hi Aged! Welcome to the forum! :D
  11. mom2kngr

    Janet Evanovich

    Hey bookgrl! I am reading this series right now. About to finish #9. I love them very much and tried reading these while walking on treadmill and had to stop the treadmill while reading these cuz on a couple occasions I got stumbled up from giggling and about had some bad accidents:D Is...
  12. mom2kngr


    Hi and welcome to the forum bluebelle! :D
  13. mom2kngr

    Hi from another new member!

    Hi and welcome to the forum peacefield! :D
  14. mom2kngr

    Working Hard

    Welcome to the forum malky!:D
  15. mom2kngr

    Happy Birthday phil_t!

    Hi and Happy Birthday Phil! I sure hope u are having a enjoyable day:D
  16. mom2kngr

    Book Clubs

    I was just reading my emails and got a book club offer from one called Zooba. Has anyone heard of them? Does anyone use book clubs to get their books from? It has been a few years since anyone has brought this up again so I thought I would. I use to belong to Doubleday but got out 2 years ago...
  17. mom2kngr

    When your reading time is interrupted-what do you do?

    I have no real "reading time". I read whenever I can grab a book and read a few sentences to a few pages...LOL My kids always think I should be doing something with them rather than reading. And life is just to hectic right now but I take a book everywhere we go in hopes that I might be able to...
  18. mom2kngr

    Book Lights

    Well I havent looked in the store but cant find anything online:(
  19. mom2kngr

    Book Lights

    Ohhh thanks so much for that. I really like the looks of that! Does it work well with the smaller paperbacks?
  20. mom2kngr

    Book Lights

    Ohh I am so thrilled to see this thread also. I have been thinking about getting a book light and have also been looking at a few sites for them but can't really find anything that would work well with paperbacks. I read paperbacks more than hardback books as they are more convenient for me to...