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Search results

  1. E

    10 most dangerous books of the 19th and 20th century

    "Guns don't kill people; people do." Does that mean guns aren't dangerous? The Protocols is an example of a book written to incite. In American law, for example, incitement is not protected speech under the Constitution. Another example: The Turner Diaries. It contains both the plan...
  2. E

    10 most dangerous books of the 19th and 20th century

    Here is an example of a dangerous book: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion claimed to be the minutes of a meeting of Jewish leaders plotting to corrupt and take over the world. Henry Ford admired this book and sent a copy to Hitler, then a budding politician, but not yet the head of...
  3. E


    My avatar represents an archaic data and entertainment transmission system.
  4. E

    Ladies and Opening Doors for Them

    Then I repeat: If she doesn't wait, but opens it herself, then you know she isn't that concerned about this out-of-date piece of etiquette. If she gets to the door and starts to open it, all you can do is stand aside and make it clear that you are letting her out first. That is the most...
  5. E

    Ladies and Opening Doors for Them

    It would be ideal if you had enough time to open the door, go in, and hold it for her. If you get there at the same time, you might be able to say "Allow me," and she might wait while you open it, go in, and hold it for her. You might also be able to signal the "Allow me" through the window...
  6. E

    Newbie Writer Help!!!

    Welcome. A first step might be to think about what in your life is something to write about that other people would want to read. Brainstorm about why your life has been that engaging. Start to make a list or outline of those things. A structure for your book might start to form.
  7. E

    soundtrack of your life

    Heh. Whenever my wife and I hear rock songs from the Fifties and early Sixties, we say, "They're playing our song," even though we're only 24. A theme party at college was where we first danced together. We couldn't dance, and still can't, but the music just seemed right. Now we get all...
  8. E

    Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code

    I didn't go through this whole thread, so I don't know if anyone has recommended this link yet: http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog/archives/000844.html "I am still trying to come up with a fully convincing account of just what it was about his very first sentence, indeed the very...
  9. E

    After the 3rd try I came up with this. Someone please tell me what you think

    I'm not going to do a line-by-line critique, but you have too many adjectives and adverbs. You also have too many formulaic phrases: "made its way to a complete halt," "opened his mouth to speak." How about "stopped" and "spoke?" Also, thoughts have to be distinguished, usually by italics...
  10. E


    Thanks. Very helpful. Really gave me some insight (and some warnings, in case I ever get an actual job). It's true that I am free to take breaks and so on, and it often involves going out and browsing in bookstores. Sometimes I think I spend all my earnings on books. Maybe I should do...
  11. E


    I'm self-employed, and I have a question: What's so bad about a job where you don't have to do much? It sounds like it might have its attractions. I don't have much experience in the world of the regularly employed, so I really do wonder. Can you give me an insider's perspective? Thanks.
  12. E

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Sirens of Titan by Vonnegut. I've read it before, but this copy happens to be the paperback original with the slightly risqué cover art. ;)
  13. E

    Jack Kerouac

    My favorite entry from Jack Kerouac's diary: June 17, 1948: Madly, painfully lonesome for a woman these evenings, and on I work. I see them walking outside and I go crazy. Why is it that a man trying to do big work, alone and poor, cannot find one woman who will give him her love and time...
  14. E

    How does your gender affect your reading?

    In novels, there has to be a conflict, a problem. I find I have less patience for reading about the problems some women characters face than their male counterparts. Bridget Jones, for example--I just want to say "Get over it." But my guess is that some women readers say the same thing.
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    Mark Twain

    "You don't know about me without you have read..." I have to be careful about opening up Huckleberry Finn. I know I will be pulled in right away and I'll end up sitting for hours and reading it again. I can't resist it.
  16. E

    How many have actually seen a bookworm?

    I have seen them. I have opened books and seen the tiny, perfectly round holes, like they were drilled through. Then I've gone in a few pages and found a worm waving its head at me. It looks like a tiny caterpillar.
  17. E

    Who else loathes..

    Hey, that was my best shot. But at least you tried it. I still think the guy who started this thread should try it too.
  18. E

    Favorite Movies

    Man Who Would Be King. Remains of the Day. (One of my favorite novels also.) Men in Black. Blues Brothers. American Graffiti. Animal House. Fantasia. Laurel and Hardy, especially Way Out West.
  19. E

    Who else loathes..

    I suggest you start with The Hobbit. It will ease you into the series.
  20. E

    'Alabama Bill Targets Gay Authors'

    Notice that he wants to censor books by gay authors, not just books with gay content. Removing works by a certain category of people is a step toward removing those people.