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Search results

  1. Aardvark


    of finest harris tweed
  2. Aardvark


    murmured the ancient gnome
  3. Aardvark

    Blackberry picking

    We've been blackberry picking recently, there are plenty in the hedge rows here abouts. We also get damsons and sloes and if you know where to look green gauges and crab apples.
  4. Aardvark


    with technique and dexterity
  5. Aardvark


    from a runcible spoon
  6. Aardvark


    actually I was hoping for a princess Had a good look at them again today, still no signs of legs but they all look happy swimming about in there I did find a large toad though, it had climbed up inside a large Hebe that I was cutting down to make way for the soon to be arriving runner ducks
  7. Aardvark


    handcrafted latex fun wear
  8. Aardvark


    its the UK Its just that i've never noticed tadpoles in late summer/ early autumn before but then i've never had a pond before this year. I was just concerned that they may never grow up and that I'd end up with some kind of Peter Pan pond for the lost tadpoles I think toads and frogs tend...
  9. Aardvark


    inclined towards group therapy
  10. Aardvark


    Ok I'll be the first to admit that I dont know very much about tadpoles. I know that once hatched they start off with gills and lose these as they devlope proper lungs. Then out pop the back legs followed by the front ones and hay presto you have a froglet, toadlet or newtlet. Last year we...
  11. Aardvark


    fastidious to the core
  12. Aardvark


    the need for gherkins
  13. Aardvark


    they had. Chiropodists rejoiced
  14. Aardvark


    of Episcopal clog-dancing extravaganza
  15. Aardvark

    what's everyone up to today?

    Today I've got the day off but have to take my daughter for her orthodontist appointment later this morning then this afternoon it’s the dentist for me.:eek: In between I'm going to try and find out more about Iyengar Yoga. I’m thinking about starting training so that at some point in the future...
  16. Aardvark


    be waiting for Godot?
  17. Aardvark


    down to the liquorice
  18. Aardvark


    singing their cow songs
  19. Aardvark


    a castle far away
  20. Aardvark


    enjoyed doing serious calculations