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  1. Laughingman

    Favorite book

    Dragonlance (only the chronicles and legends) best fantasy series ever written imo. the level of character development is unparalleled in any other fantasy series, you wont find your typical 1 dimensional; you killed my (foster)father so I'm going to kill you character, or im an orphaned child...
  2. Laughingman

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    this thread is too long, so i skipped the middle and read the last few pages... so if my choices have already been mentioned feel free to ignore, but if no one has mentioned Heller then all I can say is whats wrong with you people!? if its black humor you're after he is the master.. i have to...
  3. Laughingman

    Alexandre Dumas

    The count is one of my all time favorites~ although not in my top 3... i just got it back off a friend so im re-reading it!
  4. Laughingman

    Books you have bought but haven't read yet

    The Unconsoled - Kazui Ishiguro Metamrphosis and other short stories - Franz Kafka Soul Mountain - Gao Xingjian The Divine Comedy:Inferno - Dante Moby Dick - Herman Melville Don Quixote - Cervantes The Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevsky I just can't seem...