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  1. Scottishduffy

    What have you read in March?

    I am currently working on The Other Boleyn Girl. March isn't even halfway through yet, so I'll have to post again at the end of the month.
  2. Scottishduffy

    What Did You Read in February?

    The Widow of the south was pretty good, it made for a quick read. The writong was very beautiful. Though at times it felt like a book where the author tries to make every moment sound poetic in some fashion. As if to say *Look at me! I can write!*. It was a good book. I enjoyed it, and then...
  3. Scottishduffy

    Sundown Towns by James Loewen

    Well, I did not see a thread started on this one already. I found this book very interesting. It is about towns which have purposely kept themselves all white for decades, and there are many more of them than you think. It questions not only the past, but the perceptions which people still hold...
  4. Scottishduffy

    What Did You Read in February?

    I have read: The Widow of the South Encyclopedia Idiotica The Kite Runner Sundown Towns I will finish Fahrenheit 451 today.... does that get to count? Sheesh, the lists that some of you have is just amazing. I guess I'm a slow reader.
  5. Scottishduffy

    Banned Books?

    I read through quite a few banned books in high school. You really should have seen the looks on my teacher's faces when I brought in some of them. Most of the ones I read were the classic literature no longer deemed appropriate.
  6. Scottishduffy

    The Sword and the Shield

    I just finished this book and must say I truly enjoyed it. As someone who is a bit of a history buff, this book was just fascinating. It deals with the history of the KGB from 1918 to 1992. The books main focus is on the action of the soviets against 'ideological dissidents', but also deals...
  7. Scottishduffy

    So what did you all read in January?

    I have spent the whole month on one book. I can't belive it. I have been quite busy, plus the book is pretty darn dense. I am actually trying to remember all the details because it is just so interesting. The Sword and The Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives and the Secret History of the KGB - By...
  8. Scottishduffy

    Undiscovered Wonders

    The ones I have enjoyed the most have been some of the non-fiction books I have read. Such as STIFF: The curious lives of human cadavers. The Kitchen Boy was a also a very good book. A fiction work about the last days of the Romanovs.
  9. Scottishduffy

    Question Game

    Oh, I love grocery shopping. I am actually going today. I have all ym recipes for the week planned and my list all in order. What is something you are afraid of, or have a pet peeve towards, that other people find strange?
  10. Scottishduffy

    Assisted suicide ...

    Doesn't suicide (in the case of a terminally ill patient) also accept death and seek to minimalize the persons pain? The physician themselves do not actually deliver the lethal dose of medication. The doctor merely writes the prescription. The person themself must fill the prescription, and must...
  11. Scottishduffy

    Who's at fault? Parents, TV, Kellogs, Kids, Nickelodian?

    Oh, This is absolutely ridiculous. Once again, some parents are too afraid to say NO to their child. Scared they will dmage the youngster for life, or that their child may hate them. So they wish to delegate that tough side of parenting to someone else. Oh, when I was a nanny I saw far too...
  12. Scottishduffy

    Assisted suicide ...

    I fully agree that those at the end of life should have the right to decide how they wish to die. For goodness sakes, your death is the last decision you will ever have a say in. It is a momentous event that should be carried out according to the wishes of each individual. As someone who has...
  13. Scottishduffy

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Gulag Archipelago

    I have this one my to be read list. I have heard very good things about it. I am currently reading another book on soviet history and the actions of the KGB. There is actually an entire chapter about how the KGB enaged in 'active measures' against the author. Reading the story behind the...
  14. Scottishduffy

    One Liners

    More nervous than a whore in church. When god said "let there be light" she flicked the switch. Ugly as homemade sin. That child has the mark of the beast! (Looks exactly like dad) Skinny as a rail. Oh, Poor thing has a terrible case of Dunlap syndrome. (Belly is so large it has...
  15. Scottishduffy

    Question Game

    Oh but it gets better. They accidentally mailed copies to my older brother! :eek: The other half of that roll of film had pictures from a disney vacation I had taken with my brother. So Mom cut the film in half to send him the pictures of him and his wife, and throw away the pictures of me. She...
  16. Scottishduffy

    Question Game

    To condense a long story, my parents found nude photos of me that my hubby had taken of me. Absolutely mortifying. Question: In front of you is a large red button. If you push the red button you will end world hunger forever. No one will ever starve to death or go hungry again. However, at...
  17. Scottishduffy

    You know you're addicted to reading when...

    When you will refuse to answer to phone because you are right at the climax of the book. When your hubby starts to refuse to take you to movies where you've read the book already. When the only hurricane supplies you can think of getting are a bottle of water, a flashlight, and a book...
  18. Scottishduffy

    The Boy Who Loved Anne Frank

    Yes, at the Anne Frank House they have Peter Van Pels as dying in the Mauthausen camp in Austria on May 5, 1945. Only days before liberation. I still think is would be a wonderful book to read, but the Nazis did keep pretty darn good records of people in their camps.
  19. Scottishduffy

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Alright, Here is my list between the books my father gave to me and the books I went and purchased with all the gift certificates I got. Though when I went to the bookstore I was surprised by how many books they dit not have! Anyway, here are the gifts and purchases: Small Island By Andrea...
  20. Scottishduffy

    Question Game

    Snow!! I get rain all the time here in Florida, I have only seen snow once and would *love* to see it again. What was the meanest thing you ever did as a kid?