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  1. Scottishduffy

    Usernames!!!! How did you get yours?

    Mine comes from my dog which died last year. He had been my childhood dog that I receieved when I was in 3rd grade. Needless to say, I really loved this dog. A little Scottish Terrier by the name of Duffy. So my name is an homage to him. Duff
  2. Scottishduffy

    fairy tale fans

    If you want something light and funny to add into this list, look into Politically correct fairy tales. I forget who it was that wrote these, but they were really funny. Duff
  3. Scottishduffy

    the GRE

    I took the test about 3 months ago. Really not bad, as I expected I did extremely well in the vocabulary section and alright in math. Amazing what all that reading does for vocabulary. I took a review class once a week for 6 weeks before the test. I thought it was well worth it since many of...
  4. Scottishduffy

    Christopher Moore: Lamb

    I just found the entire book hilarious! Really funny the whole way through. I found the most amusing parts to be when Josh was trying to learn about sex and bought Biff all the harlots. Then when biff learned to use his powers of meditation for.. uumm.... other purposes.
  5. Scottishduffy

    Characteristics of an awesome library

    My local Library has a sound proofed children's area! Don't get me wrong, I love kids, but not when they choose to scream and throw fits in public. On the first floor is a a thick set of double doors. The outside of this room is pretty much all windows so you can see in. There are low...
  6. Scottishduffy

    Christopher Moore: Lamb

    I just finished this book today and thoroughly enjoyed. The author's writing style is very entertaining and I found the story itself to be interesting. This is the story of Biff, Jesus Christ's childhood pal, who takes it upno himself to tell the whole story of Jesus' life. I found it to be...
  7. Scottishduffy

    What's Your Favourite Roald Dahl Book?

    I loved the Witches! That one has to be my favorite.
  8. Scottishduffy

    How do you get rid?

    It depends on the type of book. Any murder/mystery/thriller book: goes to M at work who reads that genre. Any Historical type of book: Goes to P, who sticks to that genre. I will some books to my father and the rest I intend to donate to the local library when my hubby and I move to our...
  9. Scottishduffy

    Artistic or Intelligent?

    I think I would have to lean towards having an intelligent child. Are we to assume that these children will not only posess these abilities but be interested in pursuing them to their fullest capabilities? I have no children yet, but I would just love a truly intelligent child. One who could...
  10. Scottishduffy

    Crosswords....ya fill 'em out?

    I absolutely adore sudoku! I print them out to do if work is slow. I am now working at a Hard level... working my way up to Evil difficulty. They are teribly addicting but I just love them! I tried explaining the game to people at work who ask, but they just cock their heads to the side with a...
  11. Scottishduffy

    Miami bookfair on C-SPAN this on sunday

    Don't remind me! I have been desperate to go. Patients at work are talking about it. I am going to be sitting at the hospital tommorow thinking about what is just 15 minutes away. I would love to go, just so I could commune with fellow bibliophiles like myself. Neither my husband nor his...
  12. Scottishduffy

    What will kids try next? This is Serious... Choking game

    I played that game as a kid. My cousin showed me how. Of course, as an adult I now realize how stupid it was. As a kid I didn't know that. The only thing I knew was that learning how to pass out like that got me out of running a mile in PE class. Dumb things kids do...
  13. Scottishduffy

    Miami bookfair on C-SPAN this on sunday

    I want to go to this so bad!!! My Mother-in-law is going to hear one of the speakers. I am so dissapointed because I am working this weekend and can't go. *le sigh*
  14. Scottishduffy

    How to Raise Readers

    Turning off the TV is a must! Modeling is is the way to go. Kids must see you read, then want to join the fun. I remember being read to at a very young age. My mother still keeps my favorite book "The Wind in The Willows" which she claims to have read to me every night for years because I...
  15. Scottishduffy

    Holiday Plans and Preparations

    My in-laws have already got me cooking for parts of thanksgiving. That is what I get for being a show-off the first few times I cook for people. Now they seem to think I am a kitchen god. Kook, I have been thinking about doing food gifts this year as well. Just buying some Mason Jars and...
  16. Scottishduffy

    Weather-how much attention do you pay to it?

    During Hurricane season I will pay close attention to the weather channel. Mainly because when a Hurricane warning goes into effect have to go stay at the hospital. For the rest of the year I don't pay much attention. There are really only 2 seasons around here. My parents were hit by two...
  17. Scottishduffy

    Do you judge a book by its cover?

    The cover will usually catch my eye. First, I look for an interesting name. Then the cover will catch my eye. Then I'll go and read the inside flap to see if it sounds like something I might be interested in. The cover might not get me to buy the book, but it has been known to make me pick up...
  18. Scottishduffy

    Holiday Plans and Preparations

    I have started a bit of Christmas shopping. I am scheduled to work Christmas eve and day. I picked that though. For New years Hubby and I will be going to Disney with his parents. Should be a fun holiday.
  19. Scottishduffy

    Attending the theatre-do you?

    Novella, I saw the travelling production of Evita and enjoyed it quite a bit. Of course, my grandmother kept chatting through the entire play about how she had known Che.
  20. Scottishduffy

    Ann-Marie MacDonald: The Way The Crow Flies

    Oh yes! I finished it. I enjoyed it very much. Madeleine became a bit of an annoying character as an adult. That quirkiness is vute as an 8 yr old, but it grated in me when she grew up. Overall a great book. I enjoyed it very much and was actually quite surprised by how it ended.