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  1. Scottishduffy


    I know some darn good pranks... but that depends on how much time you have. :: Devilish grin:: Then there's one idea that depends on if you have access to Liquid Nitrogen. :p
  2. Scottishduffy

    Fav chocolate/sweet thing?

    I have developed an obsession with Coldstone Creamery. I go about once every 2 weeks for an ice cream fix. I don't even keep ice cream in the house since I like it WAY too much.
  3. Scottishduffy

    Oprah's new book club title . . .

    I actually will usually dodge a book that has the Oprah book club label on it. My hubby will taunt me "Oh... you're reading Oprahs chick lit now?". I have read a few of them but not because Oprah said so. I just hate the idea that the little label on the book suddenly tells people "Look!! Oprah...
  4. Scottishduffy

    Mark Twain: Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

    I loved the book. I read it during hihg schoool. My school actually had banned it, but I did it in my free time. Well worth it, Mark Twain is a great author and the book is a part of american history. I loved the story, and it was not a hard read at all. Pick it up, and enjoy.
  5. Scottishduffy

    What do you do with a book you've read?

    Right now I live in a small apartment and just do not have room for my books. I will keep any classic children's literature I read, because I love the idea that when I have children I can just present them with a shelf of books around their 7th or 8th birthday. Or just read them the stories...
  6. Scottishduffy

    Books that get a reaction(i.e.-People confronting you about it)

    I actually don't read very much in public now. However, I remember when I brought books to read in High school I actually got in trouble. It was my goal, in high school, to start reading lots of inappropriate and banned books. My father allowed me to read these books, so I could not understand...
  7. Scottishduffy

    Book Length

    The majority of the book I get are 200-400 pages. Though length does not really bother me one way or another. The Narnia books are all around 100 pages each, and very good. My current read is over 800 pages.Besides the feeling that I have to wait a long time for the 'main story' to actually...
  8. Scottishduffy

    When do you give up on a book?

    I have only ever given up on two books. I have to really hate it in order to just toss it. I will usually force myself to finish it no matter how bad it is. I am still curious as to how, even a bad story, ends.
  9. Scottishduffy

    Ann-Marie MacDonald: The Way The Crow Flies

    Hey Prairie Girl, I have started to read this book now! I may not finish it for another week or two but am already looking forward to discussing it.:) I am roughly 200 pages into it now, and my main thought is I just had to go a dig this thread back up so that the second I finish the book I...
  10. Scottishduffy

    Carlos Ruiz Zafón: The Shadow of the Wind

    I also thoroughly enjoyed the book, as well as the parallels between Daniel's story and Julian's story. Almost as if by searching for information on Julian, Daniel sealed his own fate. The book was very good, well written, and fast paced enough to hold my interest. I agree with mehastings...
  11. Scottishduffy

    Books set where you live

    Hmm, books set wher I live are alright. The only book like that I truly enjoyed was some book that actually sounded more like a B-movie called Dawn of the Vampire. It was set around the area where I went to camp, and actually involved the camp. Apparently the author lived on the same lake where...
  12. Scottishduffy

    Ok folks, who are our smokers and who are our non smokers?

    Actually, in my job, YES. If I were convicted of a crime in my free time I could very well lose my job because of it. I believe the crimes are listed in the Florida Nurse Practice Act. Among them are drug posession, DUI, Child Abuse, Stealing and other such things. It is assumed that if you do...
  13. Scottishduffy

    Favorite non-fiction books?

    Lets see, one of my favorites was, Stiff: The curious lives of Human Cadavers - a really fun book about all the things that get done with human corpses. All the different places they can end up. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Unwanted (By Ken Nguyen)- An autobiography of a 1/2 american and 1/2...
  14. Scottishduffy

    Barbara Kingsolver: The Poisonwood Bible

    Yes, Jemima, the father is a perfect Fundamentalist. He goes to the Congo convinced of his own superiority, that he must 'save' the heathens who know nothing, and that he will be like a beacon for them. Of course, it does not work out as such. Yet without these people his whole family would...
  15. Scottishduffy

    any book suggestions?

    A nice fiction book I read recently was called God's in Alabama, though I can't quite remember the authour. Look it up on Amazon and see if the description is to your liking. Very easy read, and enjoyable.
  16. Scottishduffy

    Barbara Kingsolver: The Poisonwood Bible

    I personally enjoyed the book very much. However, the stubborness of the father character did make me feel irritated with him (But it i enjoyed the feeling as the characters themselves were feeling the same). My own father could not stand the book because of the one character. My father said he...
  17. Scottishduffy

    Barbara Kingsolver: The Poisonwood Bible

    I read this book not too long ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. Though at first I was afraid to buy it since it was an Oprah book. The only things that got on my nerves was the stupidity of the Father. He was just too darn stubborn, and so much could have been prevented. The story with the girls...
  18. Scottishduffy

    Starting a New Thread? Would you? Will you?

    Okee, so I feel a teensy bit intimidated. Though I am still fairly new here and feeling my way around. Other than that I am shy to begin with and somewhat self conscious about my ability to express myself in an intelligent manner. That has nothing to do with the forum though, just my natural...
  19. Scottishduffy

    First impressions not always correct?

    Nope, haven't seen it though I have heard of it. I suppose if the show should ever travel then I will see it when it comes to my city. I actually really want to see the play, but I just could not get more than halfway through the book.
  20. Scottishduffy

    Ok folks, who are our smokers and who are our non smokers?

    Hmm, I tried smoking in about 4th grade. I did it for awhile just because I felt so gloriously rebellious and grown up. Never smoked since though. Now that I work on a pulmonary ICU step down unit, I get eneough reasons for me not to smoke. It just takes seeing one person smoking through a...