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  1. Scottishduffy

    Anybody got a joke?

    Ha!! Cajun Mama you are good.
  2. Scottishduffy

    Anybody got a joke?

    I have no shame in dying my hair! :D I think I have to mix two different bottles to get my color. What is the mating call on the blonde? I'm so drunk!! What is the mating call of the ugly blonde? I said.. Im DRUNK! Whta is the mating call of the brunette? Is that blonde gone yet...
  3. Scottishduffy

    Anybody got a joke?

    He he he. I have lots of jokes but many of them I don't think I could post. Let's dig into the repertiore of classic blonde jokes: How do you kill a blonde? Put a scratch and sniff sticker in the bottom of the pool. Why did the blonde keep failing her driving test? Every time the car...
  4. Scottishduffy

    Anybody got a joke?

    Ha ha, Ronny that is such a cute joke. Here I got a corny joke. A chicken and an egg are laying next to one another in a bed. The chicken is looking rather satisfied and smokes a cigarette while blissfully dreaming to itself. The Egg on the other hand is looking rather angry and...
  5. Scottishduffy

    Inappropriate language

    Profanity is what we make it. It isn't so much the word used as it is the intent behind the word. I don't care about what words people use, though I usually watch my language because of wanting to leave a good impression. At home I will use swears on occassion as these words are usually the...
  6. Scottishduffy

    Banning Specific Breeds of Dog

    There should be tougher legislation regarding ownership of a Dog as opposed to restricting the breeds themselves. Make it harder for people to own a dog. Perhaps people with a history of violence or whom have had violent pets in the past should be banned from any pet ownership. People should be...
  7. Scottishduffy

    I just finished reading...

    The Horse and His Boy, C.S Lewis: Part 3 in the Chronicles of Narnia, a very light and enjoyable read. Imaginative and all the things a child reader would enjoy. The Memory Keepers Daughter, Kim Edwards: It had a good enough story, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I though I would. The author...
  8. Scottishduffy

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I'll make sure to PM you, but it may be a while. I now have a stack of 12 books next to my bed....
  9. Scottishduffy


    Getting a tatoo isn't half so painful as people told me it would be. I got mine when I was 18, with 3 friends and we got the same one. I got mine on my hip since I figured it would be the easiest place to hide if necessary. My mother almost killed me for getting a tatoo! :D
  10. Scottishduffy

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I went to the bookstore and did a good amount of damage.. Lolita: Vladimir Nabokov The Girls He Adored : Jonathan Nasaw The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal: Christopher Moore The Picture of Dorian Gray: Oscar Wilde The Shadow of The Wind: Carlos Ruiz Zafon I, Lucifer...
  11. Scottishduffy


    Hey Ruby, I have a small tatoo on my left hip that looks very much like your Avatar. Except she has blonde hair and is totally naked. He he he... I chose the Boston Terrier because the Avatar I use on other forums is too big and because I *really* want a Boston. I have been trying to convince...
  12. Scottishduffy

    I just finished reading...

    I have to agree, Spurlocks book was written mainly to be entertaining. It is a very conversational tone, and does serve it purpose. It was amusing, comical, and a very easy read. I don't think ti was written to be any sort of serious expose, just something to open your mind to think on the...
  13. Scottishduffy


    I eat Fish several times a week. I am particularly fond of Red Snapper, Scallops, and Salmon. Mahi-Mahi is also very good with a nice ginger glaze. He he he, my other hobby besides reading, is cooking. I cook every single night and fish is one of favorite things. Of course, in Florida...
  14. Scottishduffy

    There's Porno in that book!

    I have heard that from a few friends who live in other countries as well. In the US, we get riled up over sex. God forbid the little children know anything about sex, meanwhile letting your 3 yr old "Independence Day" is just fine (I knew people who did). In the US we tolerate violence, but not...
  15. Scottishduffy

    Major Help Needed!!!

    I don't think anyone here is going to help. Obviously, you should have read the darn book. You didn't do that... fine. One bad grade is not going to kill you, you'll make it up later. If you're really that desperate call someone from school and see if they will help because it looks like no one...
  16. Scottishduffy

    The BEST American accent

    My father grew up in Moultrie actually. He refers to it as the 'armpit of the south', but in a loving way. I believe he also spent part of his childhood in Macon as well. Ya know, Moultrie must be bigger than I thought since I have already met several people from that town.
  17. Scottishduffy

    Book Crossing - Recycling books 'into the wild'

    Well, I know for a fact 'Running with Scissors' got picked up by someone, now I just have to wait to see if it gets journaled on. I left it in the middle of student union and when I walked by again 5 minutes later it was already gone. Makes me kinda happy.... but now I am hoping whoever it is...
  18. Scottishduffy

    The BEST American accent

    I love Southern accents. Mainly because my father is from south Georgia and used to spend all my summers in Virginia, I just love the way it sounds. Around where I live though it is nothing but spanish accents! It is a bit like living in a foriegn country while still in states.
  19. Scottishduffy

    Book Crossing - Recycling books 'into the wild'

    I registered on the site and am currently very enamored with it. I have released two book "into the wild" today. I don't know what will come of them but it is fun to think about. I did 'Don't Eat This Book' in the organic section of the grocery store and 'Running with Scissors' at the...
  20. Scottishduffy

    what we look like, round 2.

    I don't know how to post photos directly so just go to Fototime.com and under guest login put the e-mail address Spiffy14@aol.com to see all my pics.