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Search results

  1. veggiedog

    Most Disappointing Authors?

    Don't. Trust me.
  2. veggiedog

    Hardcore anyone?

    :eek: . Yes. :D
  3. veggiedog

    Ever walk out of a movie?

    That movie stunk worse than the boy's bathroom at my high school, a passing whiff of which is enough to make one pass out. There was no plot. I generally find movies more interesting when they have a storyline.
  4. veggiedog

    What book are you?

    Has anyone had the same as me yet?
  5. veggiedog

    Elections (in Canada)

    oops. sorry. won't happen again. :D
  6. veggiedog

    Elections (in Canada)

    Who do you think will win? If you live in Canada, who did you vote for (if you want to reveal that)? For tomorrow: do you think that person deserved to win? Why or why not? Will Bush have a field day, or a day of mourning (or does he not even know what Canada is)? I'm just wondering what...
  7. veggiedog

    What are you listening to Right now?

    Rebellion -- The Arcade Fire
  8. veggiedog

    Paul Ruditis: Rainbow Party

    I haven't read the book, but from what others are saying, I can see why they might be appalled. But really, I don't think it should be censored. No book should be censored. The parent can assess the maturity of their kid and decide if they are strong enough to make the decision themself or not...
  9. veggiedog

    For my First Trick...

    It's a beautiful story. The only suggestion I would make are: 1) Try not to over use words, such as 'desperate,' 'frantically,' and 'fury.' 2) Fix grammatical errors (possibly typos) and spelling mistakes. 3) Beware of adverbs! They are the most difficult parts of speech to work with, as least...
  10. veggiedog

    Is Time Real?

    Fine. Be that way.
  11. veggiedog

    Who's at fault? Parents, TV, Kellogs, Kids, Nickelodian?

    In my opinion, if the parents really cared about the health of their kids, instead of letting them watch t.v, they would have them exercising outside. All (or most) kids crave this stuff, but people can make their own choices. They don't need to submit to their kids' will and buy what they want...
  12. veggiedog

    Is Time Real?

    Okay. :rolleyes: Who said I was rolling my eyes?! The liar!! :D
  13. veggiedog

    Assisted suicide ...

    To force someone through pain and misery is just as bad as forcing someone to die, perhaps even worse. I would rather be killed than tortured, I don't know about you. Maybe I don't know as much about our species as you, but as far as I can tell, my family would never consider making me write out...
  14. veggiedog

    Is Time Real?

    That's, um, very interesting. I can understand what you are saying, but how would you even define the present? Does it mean the current hour? Second? Nano-second? Something smaller even than that? The present is an infinitely small point of time. Does everything happen in this infinitely small...
  15. veggiedog


    I agree that the storyline had a lot of wasted potential and places to elaborate in detail. The writing was immature and sometimes overwrought, I thought, and little detached, as if the narrator didn't really care all that much; this was just a second-choice job and all he really needs to do is...
  16. veggiedog

    Children's Fiction A-Z

    Okay, so do we start over with 'A' now? How about Alice in Wonderland by Carroll?
  17. veggiedog


    I agree with the Earthsea suggestion, and you should also try The Enchanted Forest Chronicles if you're looking for more lighthearted, fractured fairytale type stuff. I forget who they're by.
  18. veggiedog


    I haven't even looked at this one. I was so annoyed by the formulatic first attempt that I decided not to bother.
  19. veggiedog

    What are you listening to Right now?

    "Something Vague" -- Bright Eyes
  20. veggiedog

    Is Time Real?

    Time does exist, but it has no system. Humans systemised it for measurement purposes (minutes, hours, years). Just like space, it has gone on forever and will go on forever; there was never a beginning and never will be an end. But time does exist, and it has to, or everything would be happening...