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  1. veggiedog

    Sensing the Life of the World

    That is interesting. It would be a very...chaotic place to be if the rest of the world was like me. :D
  2. veggiedog

    Sensing the Life of the World

    The best job you could get is probably a music teacher or something. My brother is thinking about going into music and music theory. He wants to be a composer. My mom is going ballistic. Neither of us want to follow in the traditionally Indian footsteps of medicine. :rolleyes:
  3. veggiedog


    Couldn't Nazis be considered activists on the radical right? :confused: So then, banning activism would mean banning all Nazi activity.
  4. veggiedog

    Summer library sales

    Most of the libraries in my area have a secondhand bookstore that is open everyday during library hours. In addition to books cleared from the shelves, they have thousands of books donated by people from around the area. Usually three or four times a year they will have huge book sales, slashing...
  5. veggiedog

    What type of issue would you like to see portrayed in a book?

    I would suggest thinking about what genres, topics, and issues you like to read about and going from there. Don't write something because you think it will appeal to the masses, but because it comes from the heart. you don't have to address and 'issue'; you could share your views about society...
  6. veggiedog

    Bible poll: fiction or nonfiction?

    I think that it would make sense to put the Bible with all other religious books. In the library, it believe it is categorized under a spiritual section in the non-fiction Dewey decimal system. Most bookstores have a separate section for religion. That would suggest that the Bible should go...
  7. veggiedog

    Sensing the Life of the World

    You are correct in that I am living in the United States. Usually kids in America tend to study whatever they like, but they aren't always guaranteed jobs. I have cousin that majored in law. One of her friends went into theatre, another into music theory. My cousin is the only one of them that...
  8. veggiedog


    I've noticed this too. It seems to me that the word 'liberal' has somehow acquired a negative connotation in America over the years. Darn liberals! They're takin' away our guns an' Bibles! To me, the activist seems to be symbolized by a misled, tree-hugging, hippie college kid. Activists are...
  9. veggiedog

    Question Game

    My favorite cake? Just plain old chocolate. Or coconut. :) If you could afford any type of car, what would be your drive?
  10. veggiedog

    The BEST American accent

    What you say is true. But the way people talk around where I live (southeast Michigan) don't fit into the general mold of "accent". We have some of our own slang, but we don't have any variation in pronounciation from a CNN news anchor. My pronounciation is considered common throughout much of...
  11. veggiedog

    How's the weather where you live?

    :eek: Only 95?! It's only about 80 here today.
  12. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Hello again, Ronny! I'm glad to hear you like the book so far. Just a couple of questions if you happen to read this post before you finish the book: Who is your favorite character as of yet? Why? Least favorite? What do you think of Darl and Jewel? Do you like/agree with one more than the...
  13. veggiedog

    The BEST American accent

    I don't like drawls, but I do like almost any city accents. They have so much character! I don't have any accent, sadly, other than "General American English" :(
  14. veggiedog


    Agreed! I don't know if this is really religious fundamentalism, but I have a personal experience: The town I live in is mostly Christian, and a few of them don't like non-Christians invading their territory. A few years ago (sixth grade, I believe) someone taped to my locker a sign saying "Go...
  15. veggiedog


    I mean that humanity in general invented religion and government to protect ourselves from each other (I know that sounds a little Machiavellan); not that any culture designed religion specifically for the purpose. In my opinion religion evolved from a need to feel safe, and to feel rewarded for...
  16. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Ni hao Gem, And yet you tried to use it to decode a message that was not even for you. :p What financial stuff?! Are you making me do all the work again?! Cora is clearly a very unreliable narrator: She calls Addie a faithful wife (something about how just being a faithful wife...
  17. veggiedog

    This Bookworm's introduction...

    Hi Jessica! I like music too: I sing and play violin, neither of them very well :( What kinds of books do you like?
  18. veggiedog

    How's the weather where you live?

    We have been having beautiful weather here by Detroit for the past week or so. It has cooled down to the mid to upper sixties, my favorite temps. It looks like it's going to start raining again, so I'm happy. :)
  19. veggiedog

    Happy Birthday Ruby

    Happy Belated Birthday!
  20. veggiedog

    Sensing the Life of the World

    I'll look forward to your philosophy threads. My mom warns me that if I become a philosophy major, she will disown me because I will make no money and will be unable to support her. She says I should be a doctor. Another friend says I should be a psychologist because I give good advice. My...