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  1. veggiedog


    I am not saying that they are dishonest, but after literally hundreds of millions of dollars donated over the years, and no results, it makes me wonder... These are essentially the same thing. You are either abstaining from bad deeds to prevent accumulation of bad karma in order to attain a...
  2. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    To Pontalba: A comparative study hmm? Yeah, right. Well, any excuse to make you read it sooner! Ellohay Emgay, <<whisper>> Don't tell anyone, but I use google translator for my Spanish homework. The Bundrens are burdens. :D And they also want abortions, trains, gramophones, and teeth...
  3. veggiedog

    Mark Twain: Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

    Hello MonkeyCatcher, You have to admit that Huck Finn made a bigger societal impact than did TKAM. It may have partially been because of the time in which it was written, but Huck Finn was more forceful in making people see what America was becoming--many of us didn't even realize what was...
  4. veggiedog

    Mark Twain: Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

    I'm brushing my teeth as I write this, so please excuse any typos. :rolleyes: While I thoroughly enjoyed To Kill a Mockingbird, and perhaps even liked it better, I felt that it couldn't quite reach the same level as Huck Finn in certain aspects: Twain was speaking out against racism in a time...
  5. veggiedog


    I don't donate money to national or international foundations either, or at least not regularly. Even if the organization isn't corrupt, there is really no way to know how exactly these people are spending your money. There are disease research organizations that have millions and millions of...
  6. veggiedog

    Sensing the Life of the World

    I haven't had this feeling while reading, but sometimes when on an eight-hour roadtrip or somesuch, when I have a lot of time to allow my thoughts to wander, I get to thinking about who I am and how I came to be. I start to think, wow, I am Monika XXXX, one creature out of the trillions on this...
  7. veggiedog

    Mark Twain: Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

    The end, some may argue, is a bit of letdown because Huck didn't truly end up sacrificing anything for Jim and anti-slavery. He got off easy. I understand that Twain had a difficult time deciding on an appropriate ending to the novel, but that he was rather pleased with the one he chose. At...
  8. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Konnichi wa Gem, Ok. :rolleyes: Finally! Some appreciation... ...or not :( Hmmph! Fine, be that way if you must. Unlike you, Gem, I will handle this matter in a sophisticated manner :D. To Pontalba: Okay, now to business. This question(s) doesn't require too much...
  9. veggiedog


    I understand where you are coming from. I was just making a point that more often in the animal world than in the human world, the individuals are willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the group. I'm a little afraid to get involved in this debate without getting political... Acting in...
  10. veggiedog

    Happy Birthday Vespertilio91!

    Happy Birthday! Get lots of books.
  11. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Kem cho again, Gem It's kind of depressing that I had to ask my parents how to say 'hello' in Gujrati (it had slipped my mind). They are very ashamed of me. I don't know about yours, but my older Indian relatives (when they even bother to attempt English) say 'hallaow' instead of 'hello'. So...
  12. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Yay, Pontalba! Thank you for the praise. It was all me. :D We've gotten a little lazy about spoiler tags, and I apologize if you read anything you didn't want to. I agree that Faulkner is difficult at first. I haven't read anything of his besides As I Lay Dying, and I probably should...
  13. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Shalom Gem, I am typing this reply from my computer programming class, where I actually should be figuring out how to code a program we are working on. I am such a rebel. :cool: I know! Like, totally. GEM!! Not like that. :o :o Yes! We need somebody who knows what they are...
  14. veggiedog

    Gladiators (modified)

    Blood poured from his mouth, and all became darkness (two seperate clauses). Decimus pulled his gladius clear from the chest of the dead man. The corpse fell to the sand. Within a few seconds (in a glimpse doesn't really make me think of a time frame, if that is what you are conveying) a...
  15. veggiedog


    Everyone can't get what they want. The entire concept of majority rule (or the rule of the rich, whatever way you look at it) centers around one group winning and one group losing. In reality, there is very little compromise. There is no way that everyone can be satisfied. We have to settle for...
  16. veggiedog

    Who will win the World Cup?

    I only answered one question, and got it right. After that, I quit without answering any more, for the sake of my newly developed self esteem. I don't watch sports anyway (what a waste of time when you could be watching reruns of Gilmore Girls!) and anyway I'm just another stupid (or ignorant...
  17. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Guten Tag, Gem I think I will try my 'hello's in a different language every day from now on, 'cause I'm cool like that :cool: I was thinking that at first, but was kind of unsure, as I had to modify a lot of the names to make them work...although I suppose the root meaning would still be...
  18. veggiedog

    Gladiators (modified)

    Hello Duvodas, I'm going to rewrite the rest of the review tomorrow. I have been very busy today, and am suffocating under a pile of homework. Sorry for the delay Veggiedog
  19. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Hola Gem, Exactly. It's horrible to think that after doing so much for his family, and being the only sensible of any of them, Darl could be treated in such a way. I think that there were two main reasons that Jewel betrayed him: Darl forced Jewel to face issues (his parentage, esp.) that he...
  20. veggiedog

    Is "road rage" a valid disorder?

    I have noticed that people seem to blame disorders/conditions/insanity whenever they do anything inexplicably offensive or criminal. There are so many killers who are clearly not insane that plead insanity, just so they can get shorter time in a nice little mental care facility. Many of my...