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  1. veggiedog

    Happy Birthday Gem!

    Happy Birthday Gem! I am sure you are having an excellent, stupendous, marvelous, wonderful day...you sound busy...glad to see you are taking some time to relax...(shamelessly pushes Gem towards the As I Lay Dying thread). Lychee is so underappreciated. :p Get lots of books!
  2. veggiedog

    Do you buy, borrow or take out from the library?

    You've got to love your library. :D
  3. veggiedog

    Books you didn't finish

    Books I've never finished? What about books I've never even started? I am constantly checking out books from the library and never getting around to reading them, most recently The Scarlet Letter. I think this is because I have a tendency to check out books I feel I should read, not books that I...
  4. veggiedog

    A great Forum!

    No truer statement was ever made. Welcome, Samerron!
  5. veggiedog

    The Almighty Coffin Scene

    I liked it. There are a few minor grammatical errors that could be smoothed out (probably attributed to typos) but otherwise, it was amusing. Sorry I can't offer anything constructive. Of course, I didn't really understand entirely what was going on as I have not read the rest of the story as...
  6. veggiedog

    Gladiators (modified)

    Hi Duvodas! I will read and review this this weekend, when I have more time...glad to see you've written more about gladiators. Veggiedog P.S. Does the name 'Decimus' have a meaning? It looks kind of like 'decimal' or 'decade'. All I know is that the prefix 'dec' indicates 'ten' or something...
  7. veggiedog

    Last seen...

    The Interpreter
  8. veggiedog

    What are you listening to Right now?

    Footloose...and singing along :o
  9. veggiedog

    Guinness World Records

    Go ahead and try :p Obtaining more riches than me should not be too difficult, as 100 percent of my income comes from babysitting. I am holding down three parttime three volunteer jobs, which does nothing for my lack of financial status. :rolleyes: One day, though, I shall become a world...
  10. veggiedog

    Happy Birthday Jemima Aslana !!!

    Happy belated birthday! Good luck with all that college-y stuff.
  11. veggiedog


    I don't play any computer games, but my brother plays Age of Empires II and Civilization III. :rolleyes:
  12. veggiedog

    May the Butt Force be with you.

    I wish it would snow in April here! Our spring has been, as of yet, for the most part, comprised of 80-90 degree heat. We Michiganders are melting! We were not built for this kind of weather! It has also been raining daily for about the past month (nothing new) making the air yucky and humid...
  13. veggiedog

    Happy Birthday Fistandantilus

    Happy Sweet Sixteenth! I suppose you can drive now...I am so jealous! I don't even have my permit yet! :mad: Good luck with your exams. What about me and my exams, everybody? I'm barely hanging on to a 93.1% in Government peoples...not to mention Computer Programming...and my parents will...
  14. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Hi Gem, I apologize for being so late in replying this time. Regarding the title, As I Lay Dying, I believe the words come from Odyssey by Homer. Agamemnon (sp?), after meeting Odysseus in the underworld, refers to his wife's murder and betrayal of him upon his return home after the Trojan...
  15. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Hola Gem, I just got home from vacationing for Memorial Day weekend :rolleyes: I'll just unpack my stuff, get acclimatized to this horrible heat, and reply in a couple of hours.
  16. veggiedog

    Do you have a tattoo...

    I don't have a tattoo and have never really considered getting one. It seems like one of those irrevokable decisions (although a minor one) that I would later regret. Does it hurt to get one?
  17. veggiedog

    Question Game

    Yes. What is your favorite animal?
  18. veggiedog

    Guinness World Records

    LOL My trainer is only six years old, but he was so excited when I told him of my plans to climb 'a big mountain,' that I didn't have the heart to break it to him that I was just kidding. He charges me fifty cents an hour to climb ladders, stairs, and even footstools all over his house...
  19. veggiedog

    Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf

    I agree. I was also aware of his dream of painting, which was quite shocking when I first heard of it. You think of painting, along with any other art form, as a means of expressing the flaws with society, not encouraging them. I was not surprised to hear that he wasn't especially gifted. As for...
  20. veggiedog

    Historical Fiction! A list of popular authors and novels.

    This is a revelation for me! I didn't even know there was a sequel :o Great, now I have to read it or I will never be satisfied with my life :mad: :D I also loved those old Arthurian legends. Funny I can't remember any books based off of them.