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Search results

  1. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Gem, This is also the only work that I have read by Faulkner. But after reading a couple of short essays by him, and his speech after winning the Nobel Prize for Literature, he seems to apply that, in regard to writers, it is their job to observe and warn society of impending danger. That is...
  2. veggiedog

    Dan Brown

    I'm not so much bothered by the fact that Dan Brown is not a great writer. I am not a great writer either. There is much worse out there, my friends. What I am bothered by is the fact that he has gained millions of fans for writing crap while there are hundreds of better writers out there that...
  3. veggiedog

    The Most Whackest Books

    "Whack," by definition, is not used in its correct context here. I tend to be a stickler for English usage. I don't find any books bad though, because it all relative. There are books that are poorly written, and books that are well written. It is hard to generalize an entire book as good or bad...
  4. veggiedog

    Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf

    He didn't just hate Jews either. He hated anyone and everyone who didn't fit into his paradigm of the 'perfect race,' (which should ironically include himself). Almost half of the people he killed were not Jews--they were Gypsies, the disabled, the mentally retarded, the elderly, the...
  5. veggiedog


    :D :D Anyway, I don't know very much about Evanescence, but I agree that Amy Lee has a gorgeous voice.
  6. veggiedog

    The Most Whackest Books

    If you were directing this at me, then I should say that this is all a matter of opinion. I hate rap. This does not make rap horrible music. There are books that I like and books that I don't like. There are books that I think are overrated, and books that I think were underrated. However, I...
  7. veggiedog

    Menacing Extract: Please Read!

    This is just my opinion, but your writing is overwrought with adjectives and adverbs. I would suggest using them sparingly, only when you want to bring something out or if the description is important to the storyline. I understand that this is a short work, and that horror may need additional...
  8. veggiedog

    Top 5 horror writers

    I don't read very much horror so the only person I could think to recommend (who has already been recommended several times anyway) is Edgar Allen Poe. I don't at all like the modern authors in horror. Horror as a genre has never held my interest, but I do like Poe, not so much as a horror...
  9. veggiedog

    Historical Fiction! A list of popular authors and novels.

    Although I don't remember much of it, I remember liking I, Claudius by Robert Graves.
  10. veggiedog

    In a reading rut?

    Yeah, I occassionally find myself in a rut too, usually because I can't find anything to read that interests me. There are times when I'm just not in the mood to read, or just too burnt out. I tend to get over it within a couple of weeks. I pacify myself with Time and Newsweek until I get over it.
  11. veggiedog

    Question Game

    :D I've never died my hair, but I would like to get it done in red. ;) In your opinion, who was the greater genius, Shakespeare or Einstein?
  12. veggiedog

    Sweet Tooth...

    I just like plain dark chocolate (but any chocolate will work, really) and licorice. Not, by any means, that I'll say 'no' to other types of candy...:D
  13. veggiedog

    Guinness World Records

    I blame my trainer (the neighbor kid) if I don't make it. He says we should take things slow. As of yet, he has been paid almost a dollar and all I have mastered is climbing the stairs, and barely that! I think I should sue. I believe my brother has broken this record. On several occassions...
  14. veggiedog

    William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying

    Hello Gem, I didn't really mean that Darl was 'psycho' :D (although I am aware that that is what I wrote) but that he was becoming a bit extreme in his behavior. He is not, by any means, as violent as Jewel, but I find Darl much more disturbing, because even though he has narrated much of...
  15. veggiedog

    Everyones favorite types of music!??!

    I can't really speak for emo because I'm not a listener, but what I really don't appreciate is all that screamo stuff. If wanted to listen to people scream, I could just open my bedroom door. If I wanted them to scream to a rhythm, I could turn on my metronome. If I wanted them to scream with...
  16. veggiedog

    Dan Brown

    Another Dan Brown thread!? Why do the bad writers make such good money?
  17. veggiedog

    Chinese Historical Fiction

    One book we read in 6th grade, while it may be below your reading level, was Ties that Bind, Ties that Break by Lensey Namioka about the ancient Chinese tradition of foot-binding. It was very insightful. Another book that I liked was Red Scarf Girl, an autobiography of a schoolgirl in the...
  18. veggiedog

    Hands down I need to know!

    I don't regularly read fantasy, but I like: China Mieville Neil Gaiman Charles de Lint I also like C.S. Lewis' style of writing, but by what little I've read apart from Narnia, he is a bit too religious for my taste.
  19. veggiedog

    Don't forget your towel on Thursday!

    Why not? Everyone else does it ;) My favorite towel as a child was one with a beach scene on it...and a herd of cows wearing muumuus, leis, and sunglasses. :D
  20. veggiedog

    Guinness World Records

    I would like to break the record for richest person...ever. :D Youngest to win a Nobel Prize might be nice, though. Youngest to climb Everest. Highest recorded IQ. Most Olympiad medals won by a single athlete. I could go on and on... Too bad none of it will ever happen, ;)