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  1. veggiedog

    Positioning of apostrophe

    How about these ones: Sarah and Jim's conversation. Sarah's and Jim's conversation. (apostrophe on one name or both?) Do you know where they even went? Do you know where they even went? (italicize the question mark or not?)
  2. veggiedog

    Positioning of apostrophe

    Thank you! I guess I've been using the British style all my life then. Maybe it's because I've lived in Canada most of my life? Another question: when exactly do you use a semi-colon, and under what conditions?
  3. veggiedog

    Question Game

    One of my favorites is a poem by Stephen Crane, but I don't remember what it's called :(. I'll have to look it up. I also like Jabberwocky by Carroll. Even though it makes very little sense, the rhythm and word choice is great. What is your favorite painting?
  4. veggiedog

    Positioning of apostrophe

    Speaking of apostrophes, can someone tell me which is correct: Silas's cat clawed me. Silas' cat clawed me. I've seen it both ways, so I think both may be correct, but I'm not sure. Also, off the topic of apostrophes, does the period go inside parentheses or outside? She laughed at...
  5. veggiedog

    How do I find out the technicalities of... (for a book).

    I don't know if this helps (and you've probably already tried most of these) but some ideas would be to... actually sit in on a public trial in court and take note of the legal language, process, etc. if you know any criminal lawyers ask them about court procedure, and if you don't, try and...
  6. veggiedog

    I can write

    I like this poem, and I'm not much of a poem-liker, so to speak. What "great feat" are you speaking of in the first line? I think I understand a little of what you are saying. Sometimes I feel that way too. Keep it up!
  7. veggiedog

    Question Game

    The Detroit Free Press, The New York Times (occasionally), The Washington Post when I can, and sometimes I flip through the Wall Street Journal (I know, I know, and I'm only 15 too!). I really only read the actually news stuff and the stock market info. About how many pages do you read a day?
  8. veggiedog

    They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard!

    Same here.
  9. veggiedog

    Your Name, Gender & Age...

    Monika female (although according to this test I took, I technically think like a man :rolleyes: ) 15
  10. veggiedog

    Happy Birthday Monkeycatcher

    Wow! Those are some big bucks :D Happy Birthday! :D P.S. I think your new avatar is really cute!
  11. veggiedog

    Happy Birthday Kristocat

    Happy Birthday! :D Glad you had a nice day
  12. veggiedog

    Happy Birthday mrkgnao!

    Happy Birthday! :D
  13. veggiedog

    The Most Whack Writers

    We just read As I Lay Dying in English class a few months ago. The boy you are speaking of (Vardaman) describes his mother as a fish for many reasons. He is still confused about the death of his mother and why it happened. Just before she died, he had caught a fish, and he witnessed similarities...
  14. veggiedog

    Do you rember when?

    When I was in third grade, I read all 56 Nancy Drew books. Ah, nostalgia. Of course, they were already about 30-40 years old when I got around to them. It always bothered me how Nancy Drew was described as "an attractive girl" with "titian hair". The author used the same description in every...
  15. veggiedog

    The word "****" on a t-shirt - freedom of speech?

    Does anyone know if the woman actually did sue? How did it turn out? Sorry, I'm just too lazy to wade through all those posts, if it's in there.
  16. veggiedog

    The word "****" on a t-shirt - freedom of speech?

    What people wear is their own business, whether in poor taste or not. However, there has to be limit to how far things can go. The overuse of the f-word in public is the reason why even innocent pre-K kids can even be found using it. Even though it is not a direct danger to anyone, it is a...
  17. veggiedog

    What is your favorite guilty pleasure?

    Oh, come on. You know you got 'em. You have found the confessional. :D Some of mine: - watching old Disney movies (not the new, rubbery computer animation stuff) - singing along with the songs in those old Disney movies - reading books that are targeted at middle schoolers - watching Arthur...
  18. veggiedog

    Optical Illusions

    Count the black dots.
  19. veggiedog

    Question Game

    Both! Because... - A laptop because it is portable and you can take it with you to different places. Duh. - A desktop because it has much more memory and is usually faster. Plus they're generally cheaper. - If I had to choose...I think I would go with the desktop. I don't need to lug a computer...