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  1. roddglenn

    Last seen...

    Not seen Martian Child, but Far & Away is great feel good movie. A lot of people consider it just a chic flick, but I don't.
  2. roddglenn

    Are you gay?

    :D lol SFG75
  3. roddglenn

    Are you gay?

    lol strange topic... I'm straight. The War of the Worlds is excellent though - good choice.
  4. roddglenn

    Roy Scheider passes

    A solid old school actor who had commercial and critical success in many roles including Blue Thunder, Marathon Man, The French Connection and most noteably Jaws. RIP Chief Brody.
  5. roddglenn

    Last seen...

    Eastern Promises I expected good things from this and wasn't disappointed. Viggo Mortensen and Naomi Watts play the two leads directed by Cronenberg. Viggo plays Nikolai, a Russian mobster who is part of a ruthless Russian crime family in London. His carefully maintained existence is...
  6. roddglenn

    King Vs Koontz

    I do really like some Koontz books - Phantoms is my favourite, Twilight Eyes, Mr Murder and the Moonlight Bay trilogy. But King has certainly been more prolific and consistent over the years. The Stand, IT, Needful Things, Desperation, The Dark Tower series, Salems Lot, The Shining, Pet...
  7. roddglenn

    Artic Wolves

    No, that's not one I've come across - I'll certainly take a look. Thanks!
  8. roddglenn

    Artic Wolves

    Yes, they are beautiful but looking into their eyes they seem sad and lonely. I've got a wolf tattoo. I notice you're reading The War of the Worlds - one of my all time favourite books.
  9. roddglenn

    A question for the writers amongst us...

    It's a great buzz to have someone read your work and honestly like it.
  10. roddglenn

    Hi from Perth

    Welcome, Miya
  11. roddglenn

    Hi everyone

    Welcome and good luck with the book. Self publishing is a bloody hard slog, but it can be rewarding if you really work at it.
  12. roddglenn

    Eastern Promises

    Yes, History of Violence certainly re-established him as a major player
  13. roddglenn

    Eastern Promises

    I expected good things from this and wasn't disappointed. Viggo Mortensen and Naomi Watts play the two leads directed by Cronenberg. Viggo plays Nikolai, a Russian mobster who is part of a ruthless Russian crime family in London. His carefully maintained existence is jarred when he crosses...
  14. roddglenn

    Artic Wolves

    I love wolves and if there are any other members who love these beautiful and enigmatic creatures, here's some great footage of artic wolves hunting wild fowl... http://news.bbc.co.uk/player/nol/newsid_7210000/newsid_7218000/7218012.stm?bw=bb&mp=wm&asb=1&news=1&bbcws=1 And one getting...
  15. roddglenn

    Heath Ledger Found Dead

    Both of those are brilliant! :D
  16. roddglenn

    Heath Ledger Found Dead

    Poe is another example and lol I loved Bill Hicks.
  17. roddglenn

    Heath Ledger Found Dead

    I didn't say it did, but a lot of people who are totally over indulging are talentless imo, but not because of that. Lohan, Britney, Docherty, Paris etc all totally talentless. But there are some that seem to be tortured geniuses like Amy Winehouse - a very talented singer/song writer who is...
  18. roddglenn

    Heath Ledger Found Dead

    That just makes it all the more tragic. You've got so many actors, singers and assorted celebs (and celeb wannabes) taking cocktails of drink and drugs on a daily basis and hopping in and out of rehab at will and getting away with it and then you get a genuinely talented and, by all accounts...
  19. roddglenn

    Heath Ledger Found Dead

    He was good in The Patriot too (even though it was historically all over the place), as well as Ned Kelly and The Brothers Grimm (I didn't think it was half as bad as a lot of critics thought at the time).
  20. roddglenn

    Heath Ledger Found Dead

    Bunch of hating scum. The laughable thing is that if there is a hell scum like that will be at the head of the queue and they don't even realise it.