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  1. blueboatdriver

    You guys have this in the U.K.?

    Not just yet, she's only three. I think I'll wait until she's at least five or the ear defenders fit.;)
  2. blueboatdriver

    You guys have this in the U.K.?

    I really hope not. What are the children supposed to gain from this? Please don't say fun:eek:
  3. blueboatdriver

    football mag for anyone?

    I thought everyone was supposed to be more welcoming on this forum now; but sometimes it is hard!
  4. blueboatdriver

    What crime did Jeffrey Archer commit?

    Shade, you'll be hearing from my uncle Jeffrey's solicitor shortly;)
  5. blueboatdriver

    Is Any Body There???

    You sound a bit scary to me:eek: Where's Meridian any way?
  6. blueboatdriver

    Question About Words

    Thanks, got it. I do think my work mates will struggle with this one though.
  7. blueboatdriver

    Question About Words

    Even with the quotes I still haven't got a clue. Maybe you've got to be there.:confused:
  8. blueboatdriver

    Deep Fryers

    I've seen deep fried Mars bars on sale in some Scottish fish and chip shops:mad:
  9. blueboatdriver

    Question About Words

    You beat me to it. I read this in Stephen Fry's Paperweight. I think his pub name was Coach and Horses.
  10. blueboatdriver

    Small Ads from the UK

    I've just had a look around this site and the "Letter of Resignation" was pretty funny.
  11. blueboatdriver

    Small Ads from the UK

    They're all funny but I particularly like: Money Worries You Don't even Have to Get out of Bed. Call 'Pimp' Jimmy on..................
  12. blueboatdriver

    Library dreams

    Nutty as a fruitcake I think maybe your post was good enough for the Writers' Showcase section.
  13. blueboatdriver

    James Frey: A Million Little Pieces

    I agree but I think Roddy Doyle gets away with it especially with the Barry town Trilogy when he is not being too serious. Not quite so keen on it in his two most recent books though.
  14. blueboatdriver

    First book you ever read?

    The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. When I was about eight or nine. I enjoyed it for all the reasons a young child would. Checking in cupboards etc.
  15. blueboatdriver

    Looking for a Novel containing subtle social or political commentaries

    I've recently finished "1984." I read it about 20 years ago and had forgotten quite how good it was.
  16. blueboatdriver

    Looking for a Novel containing subtle social or political commentaries

    What about Stienbeck; Grapes of Wrath etc.
  17. blueboatdriver

    Jonathan Safran Foer: Everything Is Illuminated

    On the whole I thought it was a good book. I did enjoy Alex for about half of the book but his need for his thesaurus became a little tiresome by the end. Self indulgent maybe, but aren't most books to a certain extent.
  18. blueboatdriver

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Gulag Archipelago

    I read this book quite a few years ago and would recommend it but I did find it a more difficult read than some of his other works; A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Cancer Ward and First circle were definitely more readable. Cancer Ward is probably the best IMO.
  19. blueboatdriver

    Does spelling still count?

    It's an old thread but I thought this might be part of the topic Does anyone have any elaborate ways of remembering difficult spellings. Here are two that I've heard of: Isosceles ( I Sat On Swanage Cliffs Eating Lovely Egg Sandwiches). Necessary ( Never Eat Cress Eat Salmon...
  20. blueboatdriver

    any book suggestions?

    I also would recommend "To Kill a Mocking Bird." Such an easy read; great fun with Scout in her overalls; such emotion, I've just finished it, don't know how I've missed it all these years. It's a must read and a "classic" that won't give you any pain.