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  1. blueboatdriver

    Books you didn't finish

    I had the same problem with this one. He just seemed to go on a bit for my liking. The books still sat there wiht the bookmark in it, it's been there for about a year now; maybe I'll finish it one day. I also had a problem with The Shipping News but really enjoyed it the second time...
  2. blueboatdriver

    May the Butt Force be with you.

    Usually;) oh and what about the odd snow flake?
  3. blueboatdriver

    New Site Design - Why?

    Don't worry it won't stay 'clean' for long.;) You've only been here for five minutes:D
  4. blueboatdriver

    New Site Design - Why?

    I'm bracing myself;)
  5. blueboatdriver

    New Site Design - Why?

    Sorry, I Know there must have been a fair bit of effort put in to change the site but my honest opinion isn't good. What an earth was wrong with the old format? And why change the name? If it aint broke don't fix it.:mad:
  6. blueboatdriver

    Morrissey / The Smiths

    Morrisey is on Johnathon Ross right now. Sound pretty cool:cool:
  7. blueboatdriver

    Lionel Shriver: We Need To Talk About Kevin

    Like a previous poster stated I too thought it was going to be hard going when I first started this book but it wasn't long before I became drawn in to the story as if it were true. Great characters; Excellent book.
  8. blueboatdriver

    Gabriel García Márquez

    My wife bought 100 Years of Solitude for me for our wedding anniversary. I was going to read it next but after these comments are a little concerned; perhaps there is hidden meaning in her gift; hard slog and the like comes to mind:eek:
  9. blueboatdriver

    Quick Question

    Is that it? Quickely, lock the thread! We'll then have the shortest DVC/ Dan Brown thread known to man;)
  10. blueboatdriver

    Pet Hates. This is Room 101.

    And 'there' instead of 'they're.'
  11. blueboatdriver

    Books to Read with My Son

    'The Hungry Caterpillar' did it for my two; they can put their fingers through the holes:) Just as an interim read before Conrad.;)
  12. blueboatdriver

    Pet Hates. This is Room 101.

    I have friends with pets and from what I've heard, the vets in the UK won't even answer their phone for $10 or pounds, or whatever ........:(
  13. blueboatdriver

    Pet Hates. This is Room 101.

    good answer PMSL:D
  14. blueboatdriver

    Pet Hates. This is Room 101.

    If I had a dog I'm sure my 'pet hate' would be picking up the steaming shit off of the pavement with the bag on my hand; mind you it's probably quite a good hand warmer in your pocket on those cold winter mornings:eek:
  15. blueboatdriver

    Do you keep books?

    Agree with all; my brother-in-law is a big reader and I only see him a couple of times a year. Our conversations are usually about what's on the shelf and what we've been reading. Recently we had the doctor around for our little girl and he spotted Foucault's Pendulam on the side which I was...
  16. blueboatdriver

    Do you keep books?

    As I accumulate new books they just displace my wife's chick lit section on our shelves. I don't know where they end up;don't really care, under the bed I expect.:rolleyes:
  17. blueboatdriver

    Pet Hates. This is Room 101.

    Drivers who drive within a few inches of your bumper thinking this will make you drive faster. Drivers who block junctions in start stop situations. Drivers who take up two or more parking spaces with one car.........I could go on.:mad:
  18. blueboatdriver

    Pet Hates. This is Room 101.

    One of my pet hates is the use of the word "absolutely" when used as a term of agreement. I'm sure it was never around ten years ago; what are you "absolutely" users on? Can't you just say 'yes'?:eek: :eek:
  19. blueboatdriver

    May Readings

    How was Victory? I thought Heart of Darkness and Lord Jim were two great books, beautifully written especially Lord Jim. I'm thinking of reading another Conrad novel; is Victory in the same style as the two I mentioned?
  20. blueboatdriver

    Short Story- The Gulag

    I was all ready for a Russian prison camp tale:confused: :)