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Search results

  1. blueboatdriver

    Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code

    So he wrote it upside down:confused: Just a little more to add to the furore from the BBC Click
  2. blueboatdriver

    Baby Names

    I think your question should have been what are your children's names. It's quite a difficult decision isn't it? Assuming you are pregnant and are searching for names;) :) Best of luck (if I'm right), oh my kids are George(7) and Gracie(4). ooops I'm sorry, I've just read your profile...
  3. blueboatdriver

    idea/setting -> story

    And some good books;)
  4. blueboatdriver

    Kate Mosse: Labyrinth

    OH come on this book isn't so bad. I was worried I'd be bored stiff with it after a couple of comments on this thread. I started a couple of days ago and I'm on p.126; The story's bumbling a long quite nicely, not great literature but I don't think it claims to be. The glossary of Occitan words...
  5. blueboatdriver

    Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code

    Do you think maybe there was some sort of conspiracy going on between Brown and the Holy Blood Holy Grail authors? Their book seems to be a lot more prominent in the bookshops I've visited latley.:eek:
  6. blueboatdriver

    War of the Worlds.

    No Poppy not outside; it's a bit risky to do anything outside this early in the year in the UK:)
  7. blueboatdriver

    War of the Worlds.

    photos from concert
  8. blueboatdriver

    War of the Worlds.

    We went to see the live War of the Worlds show in Bournemouth last night. It was a breathtaking experience and a must see for anyone interested in the original album; Jeff Wayne with the Martian tripod stood towering over him whilst he conducted the orchestra; stunning. Any one...
  9. blueboatdriver

    Calling All Agents And Publishers

    Bloody hell two geniuses (or is it genii) in the same thread whatever next?:eek:
  10. blueboatdriver

    A Warning that I have arrived

    Turtle au poivre mmmmmmmmmmmmm.......:eek: and a nice glass of Chianti tch tch......
  11. blueboatdriver

    A Warning that I have arrived

    If you've too many there's always soup:)
  12. blueboatdriver

    A Warning that I have arrived

    A warning hey, ooooooooooooo I'm really scared; think I'd better scuttle back off to TFS.:confused: ;)
  13. blueboatdriver

    Andrea Levy: Small Island

    I've just finished this book and completely agree with all of the positive comments here. It's the easiest book I've read in a while; refreshing. It's got it all; laugh out loud and also weep out loud if you're like that, especially 10/10
  14. blueboatdriver

    The nightmare of Publishing...

    Is getting puplished the Holy Grail or is that, actually selling enough copies of the book in question to make a living?
  15. blueboatdriver

    Dan Brown

    If you search the forum you will find you definitely are not the only one. There is a member on here who hates him a lot more than you do.;)
  16. blueboatdriver

    What's Your Favourite Roald Dahl Book?

    I've just read a couple of poems from Revolting Rhymes; Goldilocks, and the Snow White one. Really funny and very near the mark. I think I enjoyed them more than my seven and four year old did.
  17. blueboatdriver

    Misprints!!!??? Please Help

    I was over three quarters of the way through Return of the King when the book suddenly changed to one of the other two, I can't remember which. I emailed Amazon expecting a free replacement but they wanted me to return the book. I couldn't be bothered to mess around with posting it; I now use...
  18. blueboatdriver

    Books of Book Lists

    I was given the book from the BBC series The Big Read top 100. It is quite interesting to see their opinion of the book I have just read.
  19. blueboatdriver

    Dan Brown

    Dan Brown's just been quoted on radio four as saying he couldn't finish reading the books in question because they were too difficult.:confused: So he couldn't have copied the ideas. But then goes on to say that he used an anagram of names to create one of his main characters names. :p
  20. blueboatdriver

    How's the weather where you live?

    Hey, Ruby and Stefee you both sound like two old ladies waiting for a bus;) :p