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  1. mom2kngr

    Old Christmas Threads (gifts, well wishes, etc)

    Well I asked for books but it seems no one else thought they were important enough to get. My hubby did buy me a new oak bookcase which I was more than thrilled about. Hubby also told me that since I got none of the books I wanted that I may purchase some. :D
  2. mom2kngr

    Greetings and salutations

    Hi and welcome to the forum, Steve. :)
  3. mom2kngr


    Hi and welcome to the forum, Aragorn. :)
  4. mom2kngr

    HI there!!

    Hi and welcome to the forum, nera. :)
  5. mom2kngr

    Hi from Australia.

    Hi and welcome to the forum, GOLLUM :)
  6. mom2kngr

    Old Christmas Threads (gifts, well wishes, etc)

    ok I was really bummed Christmas Eve night. We went to my parents house and had soup and opened presents. I had asked from my parents for a series of 3 books. Well what I got was a book that I had suggested to them for my daughter (Lemony Snicket #5). SO I got NO books:( but on Christmas night...
  7. mom2kngr

    Old Christmas Threads (gifts, well wishes, etc)

    Merry Christmas to everyone! This person has too much time on their hands. http://brahm2.com/images/gadget.htm
  8. mom2kngr

    Can anyone help with a computer problem please.

    Ok Erica...I got a bit confused about how yours is set up but here is how I have mine. I have my desktop in my office, hooked up to my DSL modem and my wireless router which both run to desktop and then to each other also. My desktop is not wireless but then I have my laptop (wireless)...
  9. mom2kngr

    ***The 1st annual TBF Secret Santa***

    That is really neat, Kookamoor! Has anybody else received any of theirs yet? Or are we not suppose to post that?
  10. mom2kngr

    Usernames!!!! How did you get yours?

    Well now u know ;) And no kangaroos :D
  11. mom2kngr

    Usernames!!!! How did you get yours?

    ok well i am a mom, and the "k" is for my daughter, and the "g" is for my son, and the "r" is for our last name.:p
  12. mom2kngr

    nicholas sparks

    I have not read this yet, but it is on my TBR list. I have a friend who has read it and enjoyed it!
  13. mom2kngr

    Im New New

    Hi and welcome to the forum, Claire :)
  14. mom2kngr

    A question for parents of small children

    Ok I would not use this either to teach mine. My 3 year old has watched Dora the Explorer enough that he can count to 5 in Spanish. Which these days I think is a good thing. I don't like my kids watching a bunch of cartoons all day but my son gets his time to watch tv in the morning and play...
  15. mom2kngr

    'Nother Newbie

    Hi and welcome to the forum, Stephanie! :)
  16. mom2kngr

    Another...Book List. Grrrrr!

    Well I had to read Of Mice and Men when in high school also and remember enjoying that book well enough that I actually read it all. So maybe I need to try another one of this books and see if I like them as well. Haven't read anything of his since high school.
  17. mom2kngr

    Best place to read

    Well this last June we purchased a cabin at a lake where my inlaws also own one. We spent every weekend we could out there and it is sooo nice to have the patio furniture out and set up and to sit out there at my table with a cup of coffee in the morning before anyone else wakes up:D We have a...
  18. mom2kngr


    Hi and welcome to the forum, BenjaminDixon! :)
  19. mom2kngr

    ***The 1st annual TBF Secret Santa***

    Yeah I agree with u! I ordered a book to send to a friend last year from Amazon, and it took it a little over 2 weeks to get it to Canada.
  20. mom2kngr

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi and welcome to the forum! :)