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  1. mom2kngr

    What do you pay for gas?

    Wow! I think I paid $2.24 or $2.27 on Friday at our local gas station.
  2. mom2kngr

    what's everyone up to today?

    Well it has been a interesting day here today. My son has had the worse day possible. We had been downstairs and were coming up the stairs and he stumbled and fell down the stairs. Thank goodness he was ok...just a little headache. Well then this afternoon my hubby was out grilling and had went...
  3. mom2kngr

    Looking for a book title...

    Ohh I can wait...was just anxious to read what they are about and it will be awhile before I can get them from her as I don't see very often. Thanks for the try Stewart but that isnt it. I know if I saw or heard the title I would know it. I guess I will just give up trying to find it and just...
  4. mom2kngr

    Looking for a book title...

    I talked to my sister in law today and she was telling me about these books she is going to lend to me to read. All the info she told me is that the book is about a homosexual and the books are very graphic....I guess so graphic that my other sister in law couldnt read them. I know I have heard...
  5. mom2kngr

    what's everyone up to today?

    Ugh... today was a busy day of shopping this morning...no fun shopping just groceries. I worked when I got back and my son napped. I have got to read a whole 4 pages today so far:( and now my 3 year old son is running a fever. I am leaving here shortly to take my daughter to gymnastics and will...
  6. mom2kngr

    Robertson Davies: Fifth Business

    Wow I better watch out here with Moto;) I can spell very well but I tend to get lazy and not capitalize and put my apostrophe in where needed.:rolleyes: Ohhh and I am horrible about using the "u" instead of spelling out "you". LOL
  7. mom2kngr

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Payback by Fern Michaels
  8. mom2kngr

    books on your to read list.

    Yep, 642 pages.:)
  9. mom2kngr

    books on your to read list.

    I have a few on my TBR list that I want to read soon...the others are in the future reads;) Weekend Warriors by Fern Michaels Payback by Fern Michaels The Way the Crow FLies by Ann-Marie MacDonald The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova This is the order I hope to follow for now...the last 2...
  10. mom2kngr

    hello world! lol

    Hi and welcome to the forum! :)
  11. mom2kngr

    The Little Motorcycle by C. Edward Link

    You are sooo welcome Moto!! Is this possible? I have never heard of anyone sending book reviews. I hope I have not just got a giggle out of everyone for asking a silly question like that.:o Oh and Moto...we just mailed this book out to the next person and my son just came up to me and...
  12. mom2kngr

    The Little Motorcycle by C. Edward Link

    Motokid, u did a awesome job with this book! My son really enjoyed this book. I normally have a rough time getting him to sit and listen to a whole book...he tends to lose interest fast but everytime I read this one to him he sat the whole time, asking questions and then wanting to look through...
  13. mom2kngr

    Free Children's Book Competition for TBF members only

    Sirmyk, my son is looking at the book one more time and then we are going to town in the next few minutes to mail it out to u! So consider it on the way to u today:D
  14. mom2kngr

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Just purchased off Ebay tonight....Weekend Warriors by Fern Michaels. It is the first one in the Sisterhood series:)
  15. mom2kngr

    How much reading time?

    I do agree with Cajunmama on this sleep thing. I think school kids for sure need alot of good rest!My daughter which is 11 is now going to bed at 8:30 and my son which is 3 also goes to bed then.My 11 year old has to read every night from 8-8:30(she has AR points to achieve at school, so she has...
  16. mom2kngr

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    I am using a bookmark that a dear friend gave to me but usually i use a free bookmark that our library gives away or a piece of paper.
  17. mom2kngr

    How much reading time?

    You guys all do good of fitting in a good amount of time for reading. I need to start just making break times for myself to sit and read. I just hate walking away from my work until it is completely done and reading for awhile. At night I am usually pretty tired and if I try to read I feel my...
  18. mom2kngr

    How much reading time?

    My apologies if there is already a post for this. But I have had a terribly busy week and barely have been able to pick up my book except for like 30 minutes while sitting at tumbling practice with daughter and I was wondering on average how much reading time to do u get a day? I have been sooo...
  19. mom2kngr

    Free Children's Book Competition for TBF members only

    Well I received The Little Motorcycle book just a few minutes ago and have read it once for myself already and I think it is a terrific little book! I especially like and hope that this same message gets through to my daughter ....that u dont always have to be in first place and win everything...
  20. mom2kngr

    Book Withdrawal

    Ohhh gosh am I glad someone else has this same troubles...LOL. I have the same thing happen to me quite frequently. I am afraid after reading this Janet Evanovich series that I will go through it again:( I always feel like I will never find any book near as good as what I just finished. Thanks...