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  1. Jonzey

    How many forums do you frequent?

    Including this one, I visit 6 message boards/forums The one I visit the most is www.malazan.com
  2. Jonzey

    tell us about your personality.

    Like just 3% of the population you are a PROBER (Dominant Introvert Concrete Feeler) --curious, passionate, driven, and probing. You're the kind of person who can't leave well enough alone. You have a very strong personality and a sense of adventure. And you'd rather go out and experience things...
  3. Jonzey

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    I have a book mark with lots of smiley faces on it > :) I also have a Harry Potter bookmark... I dont use it tho.
  4. Jonzey

    How many books do you have?

    *sniffle* I only own 12 :( I feel so deprived! The books I own are: - The Malazan Book of the Fallen (first four books in the series) - Harry Potter (first five in the series) - Feist's Magician, Silverthorn and A Darkness at Sethanon.
  5. Jonzey

    How soon after one book do you start your next?

    I would like to read one book after the other, however I only own twelve books. I've read them all more than once. I'm heading down to the library now to register and see if I can pick up some good books to read. :)
  6. Jonzey

    Currently Reading

    I am currently re-reading House of Chains By Steven Erikson. I really want his latest, Midnight Tides, but I cannot afford it at this time. :( Books are quite expensive down under.
  7. Jonzey

    Whatcha eatin'?

    I'm eating a vegemite sandwich :)
  8. Jonzey

    The previous poster

    ^ wants to be raised to modship < would if she could :p V is..um..bored?
  9. Jonzey


    Hehe sorry RaVeN :) I am an Australian 'girl' who should be asleep, because its 3:07am.... I've been up reading my book, but now I shall retire to my oh so comfy bed. ;)
  10. Jonzey


    Hello snake0024 :D
  11. Jonzey


    Hiya everyone :)