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Search results

  1. J

    Contemporary Non-Anglo Authors

    Am I the only one who thinks that it's racist to classify authors by their ethnic origin? What if you rephrased this and asked for a list of contemporary Anglo authors? Wouldn't people be offended? It would be different if the question was along the lines of asking for French writers, or...
  2. J

    Authors you want to drop-kick.

    Ayn Rand for her overwrought and unintentionally hilarious writing style, and her oh-so-serious idealism. Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins for the "Left Behind" series...bad prose, stupid premise, all around awful. The Thomas Kinkaids of fiction.
  3. J

    Don't do this

    Ever since I bashed "One Tin Soldier" in my first post I've been humming it in my head, and caught myself singing it in the shower the other day (those lucky neighbors!). So maybe I have to take back at least that much. I also decided that Billy Jack might be tied with "Tribes" for worst...
  4. J

    top five on your TBR list?

    Yes, that really was my whole fiction list - I somehow missed the part about only showing the top 5 and put in the whole thing. Sorry about that! My non-fiction list has about 100 titles, so when you take that into account I seem to be on a par with everyone else. Now all we need to...
  5. J

    Don't do this

    When I was in my mid-teens the movie "Billy Jack" came out. I went to see it with one of my friends and was SO impressed - I came home to our suburban tract house in the middle of the San Fernando Valley and breathlessly told my parents that it was the best movie I had ever seen in my WHOLE...
  6. J

    top five on your TBR list?

    Cajunmama...I just finished The Cider House Rules. It was good and well worth reading, though a bit too long. Since this forum is mostly fiction, I'll leave out my non-fiction list, which is much longer. In no particular order, here's my list: William Least-Heat Moon PrairyEarth...
  7. J

    Bohumil Hrabal

    Dang! Sorry for the duplicate post. Got distracted.
  8. J

    Bohumil Hrabal

    Thank you for the great suggestions. I had no idea any of his work had been made into a film, so now I have a movie to rent as well! For now I'm reading "The Kite Runner", because I thought I'd try something lighter after the emotional onslaught of "Too Loud A Solitude". I'm about half...
  9. J

    Bohumil Hrabal

    Thank you for the great suggestions. I had no idea any of his work had been made into a film, so now I have a movie to rent as well! For now I'm reading "The Kite Runner", because I thought I'd try something lighter after the emotional onslaught of "Too Loud A Solitude". I'm about half...
  10. J

    Bohumil Hrabal

    I'd welcome recommendations about some of his other books. What were your favorites? I'm sorry that this author is not well known here, although I can see that he's not for everyone. Definitely not in the mass-market arena! I'm going to the library this afternoon and will be checking to...
  11. J

    Bohumil Hrabal

    I finished Bohumil Hrabal's "Too Loud a Solitude" a week or so ago, and I'm just now feeling ready to talk about it. It's a short book, easy to read in an afternoon. I don't think I've ever come across anything quite like it. Beautiful prose, even in translation (I don't read...
  12. J

    Top 20 books of the year?

    I don't think it's cheating either...and "think about it" is in my opinion not an adequate justification for the charge. I'm curious to hear the logic, since I'm not following it. I use this forum all the time to update my reading list; is that cheating since I didn't discover the books on my...
  13. J

    Thomas Berger

    Thanks! I've added your recommendations to my reading list - in writing this time, so there's a chance I will actually remember to look them up. Assuming of course that I can find the list again...
  14. J

    Can anyone help out?

    Stephen King's "The Stand"
  15. J

    looking for book please help-it's been years!!!!

    Are you sure you haven't been sampling the hallucinogens again? What a bizarre-sounding book! Can't say I have ever heard of or read anything like it.
  16. J

    Thomas Berger

    I've only read "Little Big Man". I checked it out from the library and liked it enough that I bought a copy, so it certainly passed the test for me. I just looked him up on the Web to see what else he has written, thinking that I must have read some of his other work, but nothing sounds...
  17. J

    Have you ever met one of your favourite authors?

    Bret Easton Ellis went to the same school I did - very small, very private, for the spoiled children of the very rich (I was there on scholarship). He was a nasty little boy then, and based on his books has apparently not changed much.
  18. J

    Most influential book you ever read?

    I have two - both are classics in their way. The first is Darwin's Origin of Species. Reading this book gave me a passionate interest in science and in the scientific method. I've applied those principles to my life ever since, which has taught me to think logically and ask questions. It's...
  19. J

    Least read book

    Not mine, either. Too much gratuitous violence, improbable plot twists and suspension of disbelief required. :)
  20. J

    Least read book

    "Little, Big" by John Crowley. I heard so much about it, and was disappointed to find that it meandered and went nowhere in particular, and finally I found myself no longer wanting to pick it up. It just seemed uninteresting. As penance for abandoning ship, I picked up "Aegypt" by the same...