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Search results

  1. J

    The Child Reader V. The Reading Child

    Like pretty much everyone else here (I would guess), I was definitely a "reading child". If I misbehaved, my parents would punish me by making me come sit in the living room and watch TV with the family. Nooooo! I wanted to sit in my room and read, and not much else. I can't remember a time...
  2. J

    looking for suggestions........

    Amy Tan's "The Joy Luck Club" - if you haven't read it, it's a sure bet. Easy reading and a story you can't put down. If this book doesn't make you laugh and cry, you have no heart.
  3. J

    Stephen King

    Is it really necessary to be so snide, especially when someone is a new member? Bookbuff, please allow me to welcome you. It's true that you can probably find out a lot more about SK on his Web site than here, but I'm glad you dropped in on us anyway. You can also search past threads in...
  4. J

    Michel Faber

    Let me rephrase my question: Rather than asking what this book meant, what I really want to know is whether or not I am the only one who found it full of holes. So many things seemed illogical, if not just plain sloppy. The prose style was lovely, and this is clearly a gifted writer. I know...
  5. J

    Books which have frightened you to the extent you've had to stop reading.....

    I picked up John Hershey's "Hiroshima" when I was about 12 years old and couldn't finish it because the images were so terrifying. But I don't think that's the kind of horror you mean. I was up late one night, alone in the house, reading "The Shining" and really got scared. I kept hearing a...
  6. J

    Michel Faber

    Thank you, Stewart! Now that I've fixed the spoiler issue, will someone please tell me what this book meant, if anyone can??
  7. J

    Michel Faber

    I went searching for posts about this book, since I just finished it, and found this. I'm glad it's here, because I have some questions! Unless there is something in invisible ink on the last page that I missed, I don't see how anything is going to "click into place" for me! It did seem...
  8. J

    Short Chapter Books?

    Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. Although short chapters is the least of what makes this book interesting!
  9. J

    anyone read these?

    "Jesus on Mars??" What is this, stuff from a garage sale? Although I too have read "Long After Midnight (don't remember anything about it, however - too long ago).
  10. J

    Book Dedications/ Inscriptions

    The one to me, by my dear husband who is an author. There is nothing to match seeing the finished book for the first time, opening the cover and reading the dedication that's just for you. I'm a lucky woman. I'm a gardener, so the only thing I can compare it to is what it would be like if...
  11. J

    Best Book Series and Recommendations.

    Of those you mentioned, the only one I've read is Dune, and that was many years ago. I remember liking the first few and then feeling as though it got too long for its own good; the subsequent books became too convoluted for my taste. So, maybe just the first 3 Dune books, after that I would...
  12. J

    What do you like to drink while you read?

    This will make everyone sick, I'm sure: Sutter Home white zinfandel (referred to as "that disgusting pink stuff" by pretty much everyone I know). I like it. There. I've admitted it and everyone will just have to deal with it. If not wine, then Diet Pepsi. But I'd rather have the pink stuff.
  13. J

    Dissertation Topic

    Carolyn See: "Dreaming: Hard Luck and Good Times in America" The story of a harrowing childhood, complete with alcoholic mom and dad, lunatic relatives, wacked-out ex-husbands, a wild ride through the 1960s, all related by a woman who has come through it all and out the other side, and lived...
  14. J

    Reading more than one book?

    Usually 3 at a time. A. One that I'm "really" reading - my main focus. B. A paperback for emergencies that I keep in my purse at all times, so that if I'm stuck in a line or have to wait for someone etc. no potential reading time will be wasted. C. Something work-related that is...
  15. J

    Baby, it's cold outside...

    Well, no - but if I say it enough, maybe I'll believe it. Actually, it's probably hot enough to fry the proverbial egg on the sidewalk today, and I'm at home with an anemic air conditioner that doesn't work well on its best days, of which this is definitely not. So, I'm reading "Tragedy &...
  16. J

    Does anyone else hate Borders?

    Borders (and Barnes & Noble) encourages people to sit and read their books, whether or not they buy. It's not as though this is something done surreptitously. I think most people can leaf through a book without damaging it, and Borders probably makes a lot more money by providing a place that...
  17. J

    Online Book Buying

    I agree with Wabbit, and with you - there's nothing like holding the book in your hands and leafing through it to help you decide which title to buy. I love that Amazon now offers used books as well. If there's a used copy in good condition, which there almost always is, I will usually buy...
  18. J

    Censoring Books

    I'm not an advocate of censorship. My reading was never restricted in any way when I was a kid, and I didn't suffer for it. I think that most kids aren't interested in "grown up" reading anyway - I liked pretty much just liked children's books when I was a child. If there's to be any...
  19. J

    Does anyone else hate Borders?

    I liked Borders when they first came on the scene - the idea of being able to sit in a comfy chair and read the books without necessarily buying one was wonderful (and still is). However. Now that they've been around for a while I don't like them anymore. I don't have an issue with how...