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  1. veggiedog


    Love it! :D
  2. veggiedog

    Children's Lit vs. YA Lit. vs. Adult Lit.

    You don't have to write solely for children or solely for adults. Try both and see which you have more fun writing. Even a story doesn't have to be written for adults or children in particular. There are many books out there that could appeal to anyone and are read by children, teens, and...
  3. veggiedog

    Scene from my vampire novel

    That was good! I liked how you built up the anticipation of the surprise the vampire has planned until halfway through (it kind of spoils some of the humor if you say it straight out near the beginning). The first paragraph could use a little bit of editing when it comes to wording/word...
  4. veggiedog

    Dreamread [Version 1.0]

    Yay!!! :D You can also PM a mod to deal with it, if they somehow miss it.
  5. veggiedog

    Short Story- The Gulag

    Just wondering, but was this meant to be a picture book or a children's book?
  6. veggiedog

    Dreamread [Version 1.0]

    I'll give you an example of what I mean by what I said above. Nobody make fun of me or face my wrath!! I have every excuse to be terrible at writing, including a string of clueless English teachers for the past five years. It was a sunny day, but Jack wasn't in the mood for playing...
  7. veggiedog

    What should you be doing?

    I should be studying for Science Olympiad, because our state competition is tomorrow, but it doesn't really matter as we are not going to win anyway :( .
  8. veggiedog

    Strange thing about pizza

    Hong Kong knock-offs aren't always bad. Plus, they cost around 10% of the original price. :D I'm not a huge pizza. If any, I like thin crust kind, no oil, tons of sauce and veggies, and very little cheese. I'm a very picky eater and squabble over everything. Libre's description of pizza is kind...
  9. veggiedog

    Do you own an iPod?

    I do use my MP3 player while out or at school or in the car. But if people in the background are too noisy, or some crusty poppish song is blaring loudly on the radio, I won't listen to it. I don't like turning the volume up too high and risk ear damage, and I know iPods have the same potential...
  10. veggiedog

    Dreamread [Version 1.0]

    Sometimes, when you come across a very interesting or exciting dream, it's better to develop the characters and story more fully rather than just leave it the way you remember it. Usually when people write based on dreams, the dreams serve as the inspiration behind the storyline. Then it's the...
  11. veggiedog

    Do you own an iPod?

    I don't own an iPod. I think it is a rip-off. I do own an MP3 player that I bought for 12 bucks. It can only hold about 200 songs, but that's plenty enough for me. Who in the world would listen to 10,000+ different songs in a lifetime much less regularly?
  12. veggiedog

    Congratulations mehastings!

    I guess I'm a little late, but congratulations!
  13. veggiedog

    Favorite Words

    silken classic fickle
  14. veggiedog

    Question Game

    Chocolate glazed. What quality do you admire most in a person?
  15. veggiedog

    Baby Names

    Yes, I'm not completely into the biblical name thing, especially since I know next to nothing about the bible. I just like the sounds of some of the names. I also like a lot of non-biblical more 'exotic' names, and names from Greek mythology. I also like the sounds of both Cain and Abel. :rolleyes:
  16. veggiedog

    What do you pay for gas?

    In case you didn't realize, the liquid turns into a gas prior to exhaustion. We're just thinking ahead is all. There's no need to be jealous.
  17. veggiedog

    Books you'd never let your kids read....

    If there's any book out there that has everything--violence, sex, language, etc--it's the Bible. No, really. I wonder why it managed to escape banning while books like Where's Waldo? and Huck Finn got the ax.
  18. veggiedog

    Baby Names

    Okay, not cute, but cutesy. I didn't think so either. But really, someone must, because those are the names of my neighbors' twins.
  19. veggiedog

    I'd rather read Dan Brown than......

    Oh, come on. F. Scott's not that bad. :D I'd rather read Dan Brown than...I'll get back to you on this one.
  20. veggiedog

    The House of the Scorpion Review

    I loved The House of Scorpion. It was really an eye-opener to what the world might be coming to in the future. I haven't read any of Farmer's other work, but plan to. When I get around to it.