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Search results

  1. Witchchild

    Books you'd never let your kids read....

    My kids have already had the entire Bible read at them by their dad. They hate it. I have read it maybe 3 or 4 times and while it has some good info/ideas in it I really was not impressed with it overall. The parts that are entertaining to read are few and far-between and there are parts of...
  2. Witchchild

    Books you'd never let your kids read....

    I will let my kids read anything. I do ask them to wait a bit on some books if I think the content is "too old" for them. My oldest is 11 and I am thinking the Drizzt books with their torture and some ritual sex on the part of evil characters would be a bit much. Drizzt is awesome, he's my...
  3. Witchchild


    I buy a lot of my books second hand AND as cheaply as possible. Our town library has an ongoing book sale where on a certain shelf paperbacks are .50 cents and hardcovers are $1. The selection is poor, but every once in a while I find something great. :) I shop tag sales, second hand...
  4. Witchchild

    Christopher Moore

    I love the hitch hiker's guide books! Is this your first read through? Or are you re-reading just for giggles? Some books I just love so much I go back again and again. :) HHG being one series I do that with and LoTR being another. ~Witch
  5. Witchchild

    What books did u score for Xmas then?

    The Stupidest Angel, Lamb, The Lust Lizard of Melencholy Cove and Fluke; all by Christopher Moore, Consuming Kids; by Susan Linn, A Short History of Nearly Everything; by Bill Bryson. Unplug the Christmas Machine; by Jo Robinson and Jean Coppock StaeheliPeter and the Starcatches; by Dave Barry...
  6. Witchchild

    Christopher Moore

    I didn't know this guy existed until I read a review of "The Stupidest Angel" in one of those flyers they sometimes hand out at the bookstores. It was a good review and I was interested in something funny, so my husband bought me a copy for Christmas. It is one of the most hilarious books I...
  7. Witchchild


    Thanks everyone for the welcome. :) Direstraits, wow. That totally sucks about the other forum getting hacked. I'm sorry to hear about it. ~Witch
  8. Witchchild


    Thanks everyone. :) Glad to meet you Esther. I plan on checking in here at least a few times a week. I get side tracked looking after kids sometimes, but I'll do my best. ~Witch
  9. Witchchild


    Thanks, hay82. :) I am just a prodigal forum member, that I am. ;) ~Witch
  10. Witchchild

    Female Writers

    It makes me happy to hear that, Prolixic. :) We've got to keep those author types on their toes. ;) ~Witch :D
  11. Witchchild

    Suggestions: February 2005

    How about; "Consuming kids; The hotile takeover of childhood;" by Susan Linn? I hear it's a real eye opener. :) Plus I am in the mood for non-fiction... ~Witch
  12. Witchchild


    Thanks, Prolixic! I had lost my bookmark to this site somehow, but then I found an email saying you had replied to a thread of mine and found my way back. :)
  13. Witchchild

    Children's Books

    Thank You All These suggestions are great! I will be looking for all these books. :) Thanks. ~Witch
  14. Witchchild

    Children's Books

    I loved my side of the mountain too! Because you posted that I got a copy and read it to the older kids. They loved it. Thanls. :) ~Witch
  15. Witchchild

    Female Writers

    "The original poster read mostly sci-fi/fantasy. IMO fantasy is a genre where you can determine the sex of the writer by reading the book with 99% accuracy. Male fantasy authors just cannot write believeable female characters. " Zolipara Yes, it's quite frustrating to me. I have also found...
  16. Witchchild

    Female Writers

    I'm not sure they thought you were joking, perhaps "hoped" would be more accurate. While straightforward, your comment also seemed a touch rude. I think that is what some may have hoped was unintended. I agree entirely with you that one who has only read male writers is seriously missing...
  17. Witchchild


    Hi all. It's been so long since I was last here that I figure a refresher is in order. :) I am a 37 year old, mom of three boys, blissfully married, ecclectic reader and sometimes writer. I enjoy sci-fi/fantasy, non-fiction, some fiction, children's literature, and more. I am hoping...
  18. Witchchild

    The English Common Reader

    Great Idea! I will bring it to the library on Friday and ask. Thanks Prolixic. ~Witch
  19. Witchchild

    The English Common Reader

    HI Alicia, I am currently stalled in my reading of "the English Common Reader" because my 11 month old tore the back cover off and I can't figure out how best to repair it! Kids! :) ~Witch
  20. Witchchild

    incest novels

    Also John Irvings "Hotel New Hampshire." ~Witch