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Search results

  1. Witchchild

    Lending books

    I have lent and lost many many books. I don't mind a bit. I love losing them to someone else and then I get to go buy new copies! Sometimes I get a book or 2 back. It's all good. I have certain books that I usually have more than one copy of so I can give them away. One day I'll have my own...
  2. Witchchild

    Books of your childhood

    I think I learned to read at about the age of 5 or 6... I have never stopped since. when I was a kid I read the Tarzan books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, and lots of books about animals. ~Witch
  3. Witchchild

    Female Writers

    I was wondering if there are any folks here who were just going along with their lives and for one reason or another realized that the vast majority of the books they read were authored by men. It came as a suprise to me because I have always been pretty vocal about the greatest short-coming...
  4. Witchchild

    Currently Reading

    Keeping on with my new goal of reading more female sci-fi/fantasy authors I am reading "Unicorn & Dragon" by Lynn Abbey. I just started it and I like it very much so far. ~Witch
  5. Witchchild

    John Irving: The World According To Garp

    My favorite by Irving has always been "The Hotel New Hampshire." The movie sucked but the book was a hoot! ~Witch
  6. Witchchild

    The War of the Spider Queen

    ok, so no one is reading these books but ME??? In that case, I would like to reccomend them to you all. The first two are great and fit together well despite having different authors.
  7. Witchchild

    Oh Happy Day!

    Cool. I hardly ever get to the library sales. Good hunting!
  8. Witchchild

    Oh Happy Day!

    Saturday My Vampire took me to my favorite used bookstore and I got ten new books for under $30. I am so happy! I love books, I love having lots to read. I think I may actually qualify as an addict! LOL. Has anyone here read; "Your Money or Your Life." ? It makes a great point that everyone...
  9. Witchchild

    Hardcovers or paperbacks?

    Both. I don't really have a preference except that paperback is cheaper and smaller so I can buy more and fit more on my shelves. ~Witch
  10. Witchchild

    Mistakes in Books

    Hi Lies, I do spot mistakes now and then, I hate obvious typos more. What I really enjoy, along the same idea is continuity errors in movies. I find TONS of them. It's amazing no one catches them... ~Witch
  11. Witchchild

    Difficult books.

    I love the Silmarilion! It is one of my all-time favorites. The first time I tried to read it I was about 20 and found I couldn't get past the first few pages... I had no idea even what I had just read. When I was 30, i tried again and it just flew! It was fluid and lyrical and just...
  12. Witchchild

    The War of the Spider Queen

    Is anyone else reading these? My Sweet Vampire and I have read the two that are out so far and we just LOVE them. R.A. Salvatore is overseeing the project and a whole bunch of authors are doing the writing. Next book will be out in February. What do you folks think of it? ~Witch
  13. Witchchild

    Robert Jordan: Wheel of Time

    I had to give up on the series. It was great for the first few books but then it just sort of got more and more exhausting. So little happened told with SO MANY words. I may eventually try to read the rest of the series but I just don't have the heart right now. ~Witch
  14. Witchchild

    Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha! I have you now!

    Umm, did any of you read Anne Bishop's Trillogy? I think it was called the black jewels trillogy or some such... The first book was "Daughter of the Blood." There were two women in the trilogy that were as sadistic and brutal as you can imagine. The reveled and gloried in the destruction and...
  15. Witchchild

    Recommendations anyone?!

    Hi Martin, How about "Good Omems" by Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman? ~Witch
  16. Witchchild

    Science Fiction and Fantasy

    Hi Prolixic, wow. Tolkien haters... who knew? No I haven't read the books you mentioned.
  17. Witchchild

    J.R.R. Tolkien: The Silmarillion

    The Silmarillion is one of my favorite books. It is so beautifuly written. I love all the detail... ~Witch
  18. Witchchild

    2003 Book of the Month Choices

    Something Sci-fi or fantasy works for me! ~Witch
  19. Witchchild

    Interview with the Vampire

    Lestat.... maybe Sting could have played him, or David Bowie? There's another, younger actor... the blond in 'brotherhood of the wolf.' he would have been a good choice. Anyone else have any suggestions? How would you cast this movie. ~Witch
  20. Witchchild

    Your most Treasured Book

    Wow. That is a tough question! I don't think I have a most treasured book... I have STACKS OF THEM! Seriously, I have books that were my grandfathers, my mothers etc that I love. I have books that really got me through hard times, books that cemented my love of reading, whole series I am very...