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  1. Witchchild

    How do you choose the book you'll read next ?

    I am usually reading several books at once so when I finish one of them I pick from my other reads according to my mood. I add new books to the pile as covers and blurbs seduce me. ~Witch
  2. Witchchild

    Do you read non-fiction?

    I like to read non-fiction. I read history especially women's history. I like medieval history too. I read books about childcare, nutrition, herbs, gardening... I read poetry, how-to books, cookbooks, reference works etc. ~Witch
  3. Witchchild

    Interview with the Vampire

    I read the book and loved it. I hate a lot of the casting for the movie. Louis was ok, Lestsat is terrible for me until at least halfway through each viewing till Tom Cruise can make me forget that he is so wrong for the role by doing such a great job with it.. LOL. Armand, why, why, why did...
  4. Witchchild

    Sci Fi or Fantasy Favourites

    The Silmarillion; by J.R.R. Tolkien The Dark Elf Trilogy; by R.A. Salvatore The Fionavar Tapestry; By Guy Gavriel Kay The Branion Series; By Fiona Patton Interview with the Vampire; by Anne Rice The Mists of Avalon; by Marion Zimmer-Bradley Good-Omens; by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman The...
  5. Witchchild


    The Stand is a good one, but I prefer; 'Gibbon's Decline and Fall,' by Sheri S. Tepper. Very cool. Some stong female characters and interesting plot twists too. Great read. ~Witch
  6. Witchchild


    Hi Prolixic, I don't think in the particular case of LOTR it has done any harm. I am seeing people who barely read at all buying the books and reading them because they loved the movies so much. I think it's great when books become popular. The more people read the less they watch tv. If a...
  7. Witchchild

    Ann Brashes: The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants

    The Harry Potter Books were aimed at young readers too but everyone I know Loves them, kids and adults... me too! ~Witch
  8. Witchchild

    How often do you read?

    I read everyday in short bursts all day. Bedtime, kids asleep... I read for about 2 hours.
  9. Witchchild

    do you keep a book list?

    I keep alist of books I have read and the date I finished reading each of them. I also keep a list of books that I want to pick up so I don't browse cluelessly for hours. Though I really love getting lost in bookstores.... ~Witch
  10. Witchchild

    Where Do You Buy Books?

    I buy books anywhere and everywhere. I buy most of them secondhand to conserve funds and have many more to read. If I can't find what I want secondhand I will buy it from Barnes and Noble or Waldenbooks, I try to at least wait till they come out in paperback. My favorite bookstore is this lovely...
  11. Witchchild

    Reading more than one book at the same time

    I am usually reading 10 or more at one time. I haven't had a problem keeping them sorted out. Sometimes I need to go back and re-read the last page before moving on, though. I am reading;'The Once and Future King,' 'The Black Company,' 'A Storm of Swords,' 'Catswold Portal,' 'Enchanter,' 'The...
  12. Witchchild

    Currently Reading

    I am now reading; The Once and Future King, by.. T S White... isn't it. Sorry can't check, trapped under baby! peace
  13. Witchchild

    Science Fiction and Fantasy

    Oh yeah, and the Cold Fire trilogy by C S Freidman rocks too! ~Witch
  14. Witchchild

    Science Fiction and Fantasy

    I Read it all the Time! I read sci-fi and fantasy more than any other type of book. I also read non-fiction, cook books, kids books, some fiction etc. But Fantasy is my favorite. I love Tolkien, (who doesn't?) Fiona Patton, Guy Gavriel Kay, Sara Douglas, R A Salvatore, Robert Lyn Asprin, and...
  15. Witchchild

    What do you do with a book you've read?

    Thanks for the welcome, Dawn. This seems like a cool place!
  16. Witchchild

    What do you do with a book you've read?

    I keep most of my books. Lately I've been to bookcrossing.com and I am into the idea of releasing some books into the wild. I just rleased my first book and someone picked it up and is currently reading it. A great way to recycle and share good books! Greetings all. Glad to meet you!